DC Database

"The Atomic War": Billy Batson's regular broadcast is interrupted by an emergency bulletin that Chicago was just destroyed by an atomic bomb launched from an unknown source. He changes to Captain Marvel and tries to help the army determine where the attack originated, but things quickly go from

Quote1 I'm 200 years old now! My beauty is gone! I'm an old withered hag, but I can't die! Oggar gave me immortal life! I must go on living, ugly and shunned! Quote2

Captain Marvel Adventures #66 is an issue of the series Captain Marvel Adventures (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 1946.

Synopsis for "The Atomic War"

Billy Batson's regular broadcast is interrupted by an emergency bulletin that Chicago was just destroyed by an atomic bomb launched from an unknown source. He changes to Captain Marvel and tries to help the army determine where the attack originated, but things quickly go from bad to worse as other countries use the sudden and mysterious attack as a cover to attack old enemies. Soon every major city in the world is destroyed, and even people in rural communities are killed by atomic fallout. Because of his divine invulnerability, Captain Marvel is the only living thing left in the entire world.

It turns out this was only a TV show depicting the horrors of a nuclear war, and a couple of children watching opine that people, cities and countries need to all learn to coexist to prevent such a tragedy from happening.

Appearing in "The Atomic War"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Cult of the Curse Chapter 6: The Battle of the Century"

After getting the ship back to sea, Captain Marvel ventures inland trying to find Oggar. Instead, he finds an old woman who reveals herself as the witch Circe.

She relates how ages ago, Oggar had tried to convince her to be his queen, but she had rejected him. After his attempt to destroy her with magic failed to have any effect, he instead placed a spell of immortality on her. As the years wore on, Circe realized what a trick Oggar had played on her, as she lost her looks but remained alive thanks to Oggar's spell. Circe began to hate all men for dismissing her as an ugly old hag, and learned black magic to turn them into ridiculous animals.

She demonstrates by turning Captain Marvel into a centaur, and when he tries to escape by changing back to Billy, she turns him into a goat. Oggar turns out to have seen the whole thing and hunts down Billy, ultimately shooting him with a magically-conjured rifle. Luckily, Oggar turns out to have shot a normal goat instead, and Billy runs back and butts Circe until she changes him back to a human. Once restored to normal, Billy becomes Captain Marvel and flies off before she has the chance to stop him. He launches a surprise attack on Oggar that knocks away the list of magic spells he'd been using to keep track of what he'd already tried. Captain Marvel tears it up, forcing Oggar to fight him man-to-man.

After trading a few punches, Captain Marvel appears to be weakening and runs away. It turns out to only be a trick to lure Oggar into following him back to Circe's hut. Recognizing her hated enemy again after all these years, the witch changes him into a wild boar, which runs away and goes over a cliff to his apparent demise. Going back to thank Circe, Captain Marvel only finds her skeleton. He reasons that when Oggar finally died, his spell over her died too. Before heading back to civilization, he thinks on the irony of Oggar being a match for the world's mightiest man, but being defeated by an old woman.

Appearing in "The Cult of the Curse Chapter 6: The Battle of the Century"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Oggar (Final appearance) (golden age appearance)
  • Circe (Single appearance; dies)

Other Characters:




Synopsis for Captain Kid: "An Errand of Justice"

Appearing in Captain Kid: "An Errand of Justice"

Featured Characters:

  • Captain Kid

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Return of Aunt Minerva"

Appearing in "The Return of Aunt Minerva"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:





  • "The Atomic War" is not an Imaginary Story, but the TV show in the story is very similar in function to an Imaginary Story, so this story is often considered an "honorary" Imaginary Story.
  • Last appearance of Oggar; he returns 34 years later in World's Finest #264.
    • The fate of Oggar's minion "Julius Caesar" is never shown. It can be assumed that his sanity was restored after being abandoned by Oggar, like the others.
  • Also appearing in this issue of Captain Marvel Adventures were:
    • Table of Contents page, art by C.C. Beck
    • Tightwad Tad
    • Whitey Whiskers and Daniel Boone, Jr.: "Whittler Deluxe", art by C.C. Beck
    • Whippersnappers: "Ocean Voyage" & "Timely Tid-Bits"
    • Dopey Danny Dee: "In No Hurry", by George Marko
    • Jon Jarl: "Adventure In Space" (text story), by Otto Binder

See Also

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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