DC Database

"The Secret Life of Capt. Marvel": An office worker's sent to the lair of a vicious gangster to collect on overdue payments on a piano, and wishes he could be a powerful hero living an exciting life like Captain Marvel. Meanwhile, Cap sees the mild-mannered man mixed up in his latest case, and w

Quote1 For which of us does not envy his neighbor's lot? Captain Marvel is no exception! Quote2

Captain Marvel Adventures #77 is an issue of the series Captain Marvel Adventures (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 1947.

Synopsis for "The Secret Life of Capt. Marvel"

An office worker's sent to the lair of a vicious gangster to collect on overdue payments on a piano, and wishes he could be a powerful hero living an exciting life like Captain Marvel. Meanwhile, Cap sees the mild-mannered man mixed up in his latest case, and wishes he could get out of a life of constant battles, have a normal job, a house in the suburbs and neighbors to chitchat with like regular people.

Appearing in "The Secret Life of Capt. Marvel"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Deadeye Dick

Other Characters:




See Also

Links and References

Superboy Vol 4 69
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