Captain Marvel, also known as Shazam, has a colorful collection of enemies. The main villains are the fallen champion Black Adam, the World's Wickedest Scientist Doctor Sivana, and the Venusian worm Mister Mind, who also started the Monster Society of Evil. The other members of the Marvel Family, Captain Marvel, Jr. and Mary Marvel, faced their own enemies, but many were related to Captain Marvel's foes.
Membership History
- Black Marvel Family
- Black Adam: Captain Marvel's arch-nemesis and predecessor. The main reason Billy was given his powers was to fight Black Adam.
- Isis: Black Adam's wife.
- Osiris
- Sivana Family
- Dr. Thaddeus Sivana Sr.: A mad scientist trying to obtain Shazam's powers. He is Billy's estranged uncle.
- Venus Sivana (wife)
- Magnificus Sivana (son)
- Beautia Sivana (daughter)
- Georgia Sivana (daughter)
- Thaddeus Sivana, Jr. (son)
- Monster Society of Evil
- Earth-Two:
- Mister Mind - A two-inch talking worm with telepathic powers and a genius intellect.
- Dummy - A living puppet.
- Mr. Who - A superstrong and shape-shifting criminal genius.
- Nyola - A magic-wielding weather controlling Aztec priestess. She later popped up as a member of Alexander Luthor, Jr.'s Secret Society of Super Villains.
- Oom the Mighty - A giant and super-strong animate statue with magical powers. An early adversary of the Spectre (Jim Corrigan).
- Ramulus - A supervillain with the ability to control plants.
- Earth-S:
- Blaze and Satanus
- Captain Nazi: A nazi created to fight toe to toe with Captain Marvel. He is responsible for crippling Freddie.
- Mister Atom
- King Kull
- Ibac
- Sabbac
- Seven Deadly Enemies of Man
- Council of Merlin
Minor Villains
- Acrobat
- Adolf Hitler
- Amoeba Family
- Argus
- Arson Fiend
- Attila the Hun
- Aunt Minerva
- Bart Bruto
- Beast-Ruler
- Black Alice
- Black Barnacle
- Black Beauty
- Black Jack
- Black Magician
- Black Wizard
- Bummy Bond
- Captain Death
- Captain Nippon
- Chain Lightning
- Captain Sharker
- Clarence
- Clem and Dubner
- The Color King
- Comet Men
- Crabbetson
- Crazy Captain
- Crocodile-Men
- Crusher Jordan
- Dana Dana
- Daniel Daggert
- Darkling
- Doctor Riddle
- Doc Wunder
- Dragon Men of Saturn
- Dreamdancer
- Doctor Allirog
- Dr. Aloysius Lake
- Doctor Dwarf
- Dr. Roy Durgan
- Dr. Roy Ralston
- Dr. Torpe Imposter
- Doctor X, Y and Z
- Doc Younger
- Dr. Smashi, Dr. Hashi, and Dr. Peeyu
- Ebenezer Batson
- Edward Smith
- Egbert Clayton
- Everett Skink
- Ezekial Cobb
- Fake Flower Delivery Men
- Fake Martians
- Fake Santas
- Fingers Grogan
- Germ People
- Ghost Gordon
- Ghost of the Bell Tower
- Ghost of the Deep
- Graybeard
- Great Red Brain
- Gremlins
- Gypsy Joe
- Gus Crummly
- Hal Hooey
- Handyman
- The Hate-Collector
- The Hen
- Henry Pipe
- Herr Phoul
- Hiss-Men
- Hydra
- The Ice King
- India Rubber Man
- Invaders from Infinity
- Iron Horsemen
- Jack Joddy
- Joe Magarac
- Joe Jark
- Jokes of Jeopardy spies
- Jud Hunkle (Runaway Genius)
- King Kid
- King Klaggor
- King Zonga
- Kistara
- King of the Crater
- King of all time
- Klozz Leader
- Knuckles Nickerson and Sivana Navy
- Krager
- Larch Bros
- Lem Blucher and Robot Duplicates
- Leonardo Da Pinchey
- Leon Lyarr
- Macro the Giant
- Mad Poet
- The Mad Mummy
- Mask
- Michael Gordon
- Mile-High Mightiest Mongol
- Modern Cave-Dwellers
- Moll
- Monarch of Money
- Mister Beest
- Mister Alias
- Munitions Makers
- Nazi: Nazi's have had a major impact on the Marvel Family. They are responsible for killing Kid Eternity, crippling Freddy Freeman and killing their grandfathers.
- Niatpac Levram
- The Night Owl
- Pandora Pirates
- Plundering Pasha
- Professor Dripp and Slugg
- Professor Grabbe
- Professor Gorling
- Professor Logan
- Professor Thorne
- Professor Zynn
- Prophet
- The Queen of Spies
- Radioactive Man
- Raiders from Space
- The Rainbow Squad
- Red Crusher
- Red Vulture
- Rodney Stark
- Rip-off Rigs
- Rowdy Sparkle
- Satyr
- Signore Carnato
- Slippery Slyke and Hugo
- Slug Samson
- The Smiling Swordsman
- Snake Samson
- Snodgrass
- The Space Ghoul
- The Spider Men of Mars
- Spider-Man
- Stepfather
- The Superior
- Swarto
- Terrible Trio
- Thanksgiving Thieves
- Thirtieth Century Dictator
- Thought Stealers
- Three Faces of Evil
- Telegram Bandits
- Tong
- Twister Jackson
- United Criminals
- Vampire Burglar
- Van Hoek
- Verndt
- Weeper
- Whale Master
- Woman of a 1000 Faces
- The Witch
- Yorgull
- Zakka Jorl
- Zazzo
Recommended Reading
- Marvel Family Recommended Reading
- Whiz Comics (Volume 1)
- Captain Marvel Adventures (Volume 1)
- Captain Marvel, Jr. (Volume 1)
- Mary Marvel (Volume 1)
- Master Comics (Volume 1)
- Wow Comics (Volume 1)
- The Marvel Family (Volume 1)
- Hoppy the Marvel Bunny (Volume 1)
- Shazam! (Volume 1)
- Shazam!: The New Beginning (Volume 1)
- The Power of Shazam! (Volume 1)
- Superman/Shazam!: First Thunder (Volume 1)
- Shazam!: The Monster Society of Evil (Volume 1)
- The Trials of Shazam! (Volume 1)
- Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam! (Volume 1)
- Shazam! (Volume 2)
- Shazam! (Volume 3)
- Shazam! (Volume 4)
- The New Champion of Shazam! (Volume 1)
- Shazam! (Volume 5)
See Also
- Gallery of Captain Marvel Villains
- List of Captain Marvel Villains (Alphabetical Order)
Links and References