DC Database

Carlos Quinones, Jr. is Fade, a super-hero from Dakota City who has the ability to phase through solid objects. His sister is Sara Quinones, the superhero Flashback, and they are both members of the Blood Syndicate in Paris Island.




  • Power Instability: Fade is gradually losing control of his powers, so he must concentrate in order to remain corporeal and anchored to a single point in time otherwise he would perceive present, past and future at the same time.

  • Although Fade is actually a latino black man, his transparency can make him appear caucasian at many times.
  • Fade is a deeply-closeted homosexual[2] and he was in love with Blood Syndicate's leader and his best friend Tech-9.[3]. Fade was the first black homosexual superhero.



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Milestone Media
DC Bullet 2024

This article is related to Milestone Media, a sub-division of DC Comics, that published the self-contained "Dakotaverse", and later Earth M, under its own logo. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the "Milestone Media" category.

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