• 1938 Character Debuts... • 1947s Character Debuts — 1948 — 1949 Character Debuts • ... 1958 Character Debuts •
This category contains a listing of all characters which had their first appearance cover dated 1948 .
See also: 1948 Comic Debuts • 1948 Team Debuts
See also: 1948 Comic Debuts • 1948 Team Debuts
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All items (159)
- Agamemnon (New Earth)
- Alec Tronn (Earth-S)
- Alexis Luthor (Earth-One)
- Algernon Blackwood (Earth-Fox)
- Annette Dubois (Earth-Two)
- Badra (Earth-Two)
- Baron Frankenstein (Earth-Two)
- Bat (Quality Universe)
- Beagle (Earth-S)
- Benny Broot (Earth-Two)
- Bertram Biggs, Jr. (New Earth)
- Black Lightning the Horse (New Earth)
- Blackbeard (Quality Universe)
- Bullet Benn (Earth-Two)
- Butch Boyle (Earth-Two)
- Captain Squidd (Quality Universe)
- Carnage (Quality Universe)
- Chameleon (Earth-Two)
- Cobra (Quality Universe)
- Count Mettern (Earth-Two)
- Crier (Earth-Two)
- Crime Brain Doone (Earth-Two)
- Crimson Claw (Quality Universe)
- Dan Foley (Earth-Two)
- Doctor Frenzi (Earth-Two)
- Doctor Omega (Quality Universe)
- Don Enrago (Earth-Two)
- Dorothea Tane (New Earth)
- Dude Rich (Earth-S)
- Duke Daxo (Earth-Two)
- Eaglebeak (Quality Universe)
- Edward Daniels (Quality Universe)
- Edward Nigma (Earth-One)
- Faith Alden (Earth-Two)
- Falconer (Earth-Two)
- Father Time II (Earth-Two)
- Furiosa (Earth-Two)
- Gargantua (Quality Universe)
- Gargoyle (Earth-S)
- Gaston (Earth-Two)
- Genghis Khan (Earth-S)
- Glacier Man (Earth-S)
- Growley (Quality Universe)
- Guy Pompton (New Earth)
- Hannibal Hawkes (New Earth)
- Hatra (Earth-Two)
- Hen (Earth-S)
- Henry Hayes (Earth-Two)
- Holocaust (Earth-S)
- Huntress (Quality Universe)
- Isaac Bowin (New Earth)
- Ivan (Earth-Two)
- Jack-in-the-Box (Earth-Fox)
- James Jonas (Earth-Two)
- James Sawyer (Earth-Two)
- Jane Stone (Earth-Two)
- Jervis Tetch (New Earth)
- Jesse James II (Earth-Two)
- John Molten (Quality Universe)
- John Tane (New Earth)
- Jonathan Rotor (Earth-Two)
- Jor-L (Earth-Two)
- Jug Jasper (Earth-S)
- Juggler (Earth-Two)
- Kasha (Earth-Two)
- Keen (Earth-Two)
- Krul (Earth-Two)
- Lara (Earth-Two)
- Larry Samson (Earth-Two)
- Lawrence Lance (New Earth)
- Leader (Earth-S)
- Lightning Bug (Earth-Two)
- Lois Lane (Earth-One)
- Loki (New Earth)
- Madame Butterfly (Quality Universe)
- Maqua (Earth-Two)
- Mark Compass (New Earth)
- Mary Dean (Earth-Two)
- Match (Earth-Two)
- Meredith Creamer (New Earth)
- Minister Blizzard (Earth-Two)
- Mister Derby (Quality Universe)
- Mister Gadget II (Earth-Two)
- Mister Hazard (Quality Universe)
- Mister Hydro (Earth-S)
- Mister Midas (Earth-S)
- Mister Morbid (Quality Universe)
- Mister Ohm (Earth-Two)
- Mister Powder (Quality Universe)
- Mister Skeleton (Quality Universe)
- Mister Wheels (Quality Universe)
- Mister Yesterday (Quality Universe)
- Mona Menise (Earth-Two)
- Nightowl (Earth-S)
- Nightwind the Horse (New Earth)
- Noose (Quality Universe)
- Outlaw (Earth-S)
- Paddy Gypso (Earth-Two)
- Parrot (Earth-Two)
- Parthenope (Earth-Two)
- Patricia Wentworth (Quality Universe)
- Paul Bodin (Earth-Two)
- Pik Socket (Earth-Two)
- Pin-Ball (Earth-Two)
- Porcupine II (Quality Universe)
- Professor Calculus (Earth-Two)
- Prowd (Earth-Two)
- Puny (Earth-S)
- Queen Leila (Earth-Two)
- Racer the Horse (New Earth)
- Rata (Earth-Two)
- Red Rigley (New Earth)
- Reginald Torbin (Earth-Two)
- Reptile (Earth-S)
- Richard Grayson (Quality Universe)
- Riverman (Quality Universe)
- Robin Hood (Earth-Two)
- Rodeo Rick (Earth-One)
- Rope (Earth-Two)
- Roy Dirke (Earth-Two)
- Rubberman (Earth-Two)
- Rumplestiltskin (New Earth)
- Satana (Quality Universe)
- Selina of Pogolana (Earth-Two)
- Shark (Earth-Two)
- Sherwood Van Roy (Earth-One)
- Sierra Smith (Earth-Two)
- Skullface (Quality Universe)
- Sky-Raider (Earth-Two)
- Skyhawk (Earth-S)
- Slicer (New Earth)
- Slugsy Dowan (Quality Universe)
- Snowina (Earth-Two)
- Spadehead (Quality Universe)
- Star Sapphire I (New Earth)
- Streak (New Earth)
- Supremo (Quality Universe)
- Titus Flagsmith (Earth-Two)
- Tony Barrett (Earth-Two)
- Uvo (Earth-Two)
- Valerie Vaughn (Earth-Two)
- Virtura (Earth-Two)
- Wasp (Quality Universe)
- Weatherman II (Earth-S)
- Wickeda (Earth-Two)
- Wilkins (Earth-Two)
- William Polk (New Earth)
- William Tane (New Earth)
- Wrecker II (Earth-Two)
- Zobar Zodiak (New Earth)