• 1951 Character Debuts... • 1960s Character Debuts — 1961 — 1962 Character Debuts • ... 1971 Character Debuts •
This category contains a listing of all characters which had their first appearance cover dated 1961 .
See also: 1961 Comic Debuts • 1961 Team Debuts
See also: 1961 Comic Debuts • 1961 Team Debuts
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All items (179)
- Achilles (Earth-One)
- Al Capone (New Earth)
- Amoeba-Man (Earth-One)
- Amos Fortune (New Earth)
- Archibald Asher (New Earth)
- Arlene Luthor (Earth-One)
- Arthur Curry (Earth-149)
- Barry Allen (Earth-149)
- Bizarro (Earth-149)
- Bizarro Jimmy Olsen (Earth-One)
- Bizarro Krypto (Earth-One)
- Bizarro Mxyzptlk (Earth-One)
- Bizarro Perry White (Earth-One)
- Bocar (Earth-One)
- Bor-Jak (Earth-One)
- Brand (Earth-One)
- Bruce Wayne (Earth-149)
- Bulls-Eye (Earth-One)
- Buzzard (Earth-One)
- Byth Rok (Earth-One)
- Captain Shark (Earth-One)
- Carl Ballard (Earth-One)
- Carl Sands (Earth-One)
- Charles Taine (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Chaselon (New Earth)
- Chun Yull (New Earth)
- Clockmaster (Earth-One)
- Creature King (Earth-One)
- Dev-Em (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Diana of Paradise Island (Earth-149)
- Dirk Morgna (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Douglas Parker (Earth-One)
- Dru-Zod (Earth-One)
- Edna Danvers (Earth-One)
- Edward Burke (New Earth)
- Eel (Earth-One)
- Elastic Crook (Earth-One)
- Electric Man (Earth-One)
- Elizabeth Kane (Earth-One)
- Eve Aries (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Fisherman (Earth-One)
- Flying Stag (New Earth)
- Francis Doran (Earth-One)
- Frederick Danvers (Earth-One)
- Freyja (New Earth)
- Fryd Kallor (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Garth Ranzz (Earth-149)
- General Brent (Earth-One)
- Genro the Genie (Earth-One)
- George Armstrong Custer (New Earth)
- George Emmett (Earth-One)
- Gnaxos (Antimatter Universe)
- Harold Shapiro (New Earth)
- Hartley (Earth-One)
- Harvey Hainer (Earth-One)
- Hector Hammond (New Earth)
- Hippolyta (Earth-124.1)
- Homer Gint (Star Rovers)
- Horace Canfield (New Earth)
- Hyathis (New Earth)
- Imra Ardeen (Earth-149)
- Invisible Rogue (Earth-One)
- Iona Vane (New Earth)
- Irving Norbet (New Earth)
- J. E. B. Stuart (New Earth)
- Jack Jordan (New Earth)
- Jackie Johnson (New Earth)
- James Jordan (New Earth)
- James Olsen (Earth-149)
- Jax-Ur (Earth-One)
- Jean Loring (New Earth)
- Jeanne Walker (New Earth)
- Jeb Stuart (New Earth)
- John Dee (New Earth)
- John Dolan (New Earth)
- John F. Kennedy (New Earth)
- John Kiley (Earth-One)
- Joseph Parker (New Earth)
- Joseph Tracy (Earth-One)
- Jules Luthor (Earth-One)
- Kal-El (Earth-149)
- Kal-El (Earth-Twenty-Six)
- Kanjar Ro (New Earth)
- Kara Zor-El (Earth-149)
- Karel Sorensen (Star Rovers)
- Kaskor (Earth-One)
- Katar Hol (Earth-One)
- Ken Clark (Earth-One)
- Kiman (Antimatter Universe)
- King Cobra I (Earth-One)
- Klee Pan (New Earth)
- Konrad Kaslak (Earth-One)
- Korlian Dasor (New Earth)
- Kromm (New Earth)
- Krypto (Earth-149)
- Kulan Dar (Earth-One)
- Laevar Bolto (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Lana Lang (Earth-149)
- Lana Lang (Earth-Twenty-Six)
- Lar Gand (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Larvox (New Earth)
- Lea Lindy (Earth-One)
- Lena Luthor (Earth-One)
- Lesla-Lar (Earth-One)
- Lex Luthor (Earth-149)
- Lois Lane (Earth-149)
- Lori Lemaris (Earth-149)
- Lucy Lane (Earth-149)
- Luornu Durgo (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Mark Mandrill (New Earth)
- Master of the Dinosaurs (Earth-One)
- Matthew Hagen (New Earth)
- Mavis Trent (Earth-One)
- Mekt Ranzz (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Midge (Earth-One)
- Mira Kallor (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Mirage Master (Earth-One)
- Miss Gzptlsnz (Earth-One)
- Mister Millions (Earth-One)
- Mister Poseidon (New Earth)
- Mister Solar (Earth-One)
- Moth (Earth-One)
- Multiple Man (Earth-124.1)
- Mynher (Earth-One)
- Mysto (Earth-One)
- NautKeLoi (New Earth)
- Octopus Man (New Earth)
- Oliver Queen (Earth-149)
- Perry White (Earth-149)
- Peter Ross (Earth-One)
- Polyphemus (New Earth)
- Puppeteer (Earth-One)
- Querl Dox (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Raymond Palmer (New Earth)
- Richard Grayson (Earth-149)
- Richard Purvis (Star Rovers)
- Richard Rawlins (New Earth)
- Rokk Krinn (Earth-149)
- Ronno (Earth-124.1)
- Rori Stroh (New Earth)
- Roscoe Dillon (New Earth)
- Salu Digby (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Samuel Gordon (New Earth)
- Saturna (New Earth)
- Sayyar (New Earth)
- Sculptor Sorcerer (Earth-One)
- Shayera Thal (Earth-One)
- Simon Magus (New Earth)
- Simple Simon (Earth-One)
- Sinister Seer of Saturn (Earth-One)
- Slim Kilkenny Stryker (New Earth)
- Steven Crandall (Earth-One)
- Susan Dearbon (New Earth)
- Susan Williams (New Earth)
- T'omm J'onzz (Earth-One)
- Tag-A-Long Thomas (New Earth)
- Tankman (Earth-One)
- Tegra Kalmaku (New Earth)
- Thaal Sinestro (New Earth)
- Thar Dan (Earth-One)
- Thom Kallor (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Tiger (Earth-One)
- Tinya Wazzo (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Tomar-Re (New Earth)
- Troll King (New Earth)
- Wee Willie (New Earth)
- William Blaine (New Earth)
- William West (New Earth)
- Wonder Girl (Earth-124.1)
- Wonder Tot (Earth-124.1)
- Wonder Woman (Earth-124.1)
- Xadu (Earth-One)
- Xandor (Earth-One)
- Xax (New Earth)