• 1972 Character Debuts... • 1981s Character Debuts — 1982 — 1983 Character Debuts • ... 1992 Character Debuts •
This category contains a listing of all characters which had their first appearance cover dated 1982 .
See also: 1982 Comic Debuts • 1982 Team Debuts
See also: 1982 Comic Debuts • 1982 Team Debuts
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All items (236)
- Abyss (New Earth)
- Adjudicator (Earth-One)
- Adrian Chase (New Earth)
- Aethyr (Earth-One)
- Ahri'ahn (New Earth)
- Alexander Luthor, Sr. (Earth-Three)
- Anthony Scarapelli (New Earth)
- Antonio Stefanacci (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Aristides Demetrios (New Earth)
- Artemis (Earth-One)
- Arthur Hall (New Earth)
- Arthur Pendragon (Camelot 3000)
- Avery Sunderland (New Earth)
- Az-Rel (Earth-One)
- Beatriz da Costa (New Earth)
- Belphegor (Earth-One)
- Bethany Snow (New Earth)
- Bette Sans Souci (New Earth)
- Billy Batson (Earth-One)
- Black Pope (Earth-One)
- Blade (Earth-One)
- Bloodclaw (New Earth)
- Brad Farley (Earth-Two)
- Burt Belker (Earth-One)
- Byrd Rentals (Earth-C)
- C.A.P.D. (New Earth)
- Calculha (New Earth)
- Captain Cutlass III (Earth-One)
- Cassandra Wainwright (Earth-One)
- Ch'p (New Earth)
- Chain Master (New Earth)
- Chaon (New Earth)
- Charon (New Earth)
- Charqwep (New Earth)
- Cheryl Delarye (Earth-One)
- Chian (New Earth)
- Choloh (New Earth)
- Confessor (New Earth)
- Creed Phillips (Earth-One)
- Czemm (Earth-One)
- D'Tilluh (New Earth)
- Dalor (New Earth)
- Daniel Young (Earth-One)
- Dark Destroyer (Atari Force)
- Daryll Simmons (Earth-One)
- Dennis Barclay (New Earth)
- Distortionex (Earth-One)
- Domino (Earth-One)
- Donovan Caine (New Earth)
- Dora Keane (Earth-S)
- Drekk (Earth-One)
- Echidna (New Earth)
- Edmond Hamilton (Earth-One)
- El Dorado (Earth-One)
- Elaine of Astolat (Camelot 3000)
- Elizabeth Tremayne (New Earth)
- Ernst Kuller (Earth-One)
- Ernst von Tepp (Earth-One)
- Evil (Earth-Two)
- Fala (New Earth)
- Feathered Serpent (Earth-Two)
- Felina Furr (Earth-C)
- Frances Kane (New Earth)
- Francis Lightside (Earth-One)
- Frank Fitzsimmons (New Earth)
- Galmark (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Garn Daanuth (New Earth)
- Gayle Marsh (New Earth)
- Gemimn (New Earth)
- General Balar (New Earth)
- George Tompkins (Earth-Two)
- Ghr'll (New Earth)
- Gordon (Earth-One)
- Guinevere (Camelot 3000)
- Gym'll (Pre-Zero Hour)
- H'Hrnath (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Harold Carew (New Earth)
- Helen Alexandros (Earth-One)
- Helmut Kripptman (New Earth)
- Horst Brenner (Earth-One)
- Howard Pendergast (Earth-One)
- Hugo Merson (Earth-One)
- Hukka (Atari Force)
- Hunter (Earth-One)
- Ida Berkowitz (Earth-One)
- J.A.K.E. II (New Earth)
- Jack Gold (New Earth)
- Jack of Spades III (New Earth)
- Jackson Hammersmith (Earth-One)
- Jacques Foccart (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Janet Rogers (Earth-Four)
- Jasper Pepperdyne (Earth-One)
- Jefferson Jackson (Earth-One)
- Jennifer Long (New Earth)
- Joan Raymond (Earth-One)
- Johnny Ostrander (Earth-One)
- Kaleidoscope (New Earth)
- Kapitan Kat (Earth-One)
- Karen Clancy (Earth-One)
- Karniss Gor (Earth-One)
- Kerry Astin (New Earth)
- Kharlak (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Komand'r (New Earth)
- Kristopher Kross (Earth-One)
- Lady Viper (Earth-One)
- Lancelot (Camelot 3000)
- Lani Gilbert (New Earth)
- Leushk R'Xalim (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Lewis Lang (Earth-Two)
- Li San O'Rourke (Atari Force)
- Liang Xih-K'ai (New Earth)
- Lord Damyn (Earth-One)
- Loretta York (New Earth)
- Lorraine Reilly (New Earth)
- Louis Yagger (New Earth)
- Louise-L (Earth-One)
- Lucas Orion (Atari Force)
- Luna Nurblin (New Earth)
- Lydea Mallor (New Earth)
- Lydia Perez (Atari Force)
- M'Zalle (New Earth)
- Mar Novu (Earth-One)
- Mara (New Earth)
- Marauder clone (New Earth)
- Marionette (New Earth)
- Mark Spencer (Earth-One)
- Martin Champion (Atari Force)
- May Bennett (New Earth)
- Merlin (Camelot 3000)
- Michael Beldon (New Earth)
- Mister Zero II (Earth-Two)
- Mohandas Singh (Atari Force)
- Myrra Rhodes (New Earth)
- Nikos Aegeus (Earth-One)
- Nommo (New Earth)
- Nullifier (New Earth)
- Nyneve (Camelot 3000)
- Ol-Vir (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Organus (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Osgood Rathaway (New Earth)
- Otto Günsche (New Earth)
- Paul Feldner (New Earth)
- Philip Edwards (Earth-One)
- Plert (Earth-One)
- Quentin Quale (New Earth)
- Qwesjun (Earth-One)
- Rachel Rathaway (New Earth)
- Renard Traquer (Earth-One)
- Robert Altus, Jr. (Earth-One)
- Robot Kitten (Earth-One)
- Ronald Evers (New Earth)
- Ryand'r (New Earth)
- Salakk (New Earth)
- Satanis (Earth-One)
- Satyricus (New Earth)
- Sebastian Blood VIII (New Earth)
- Senses-Taker (New Earth)
- Set (New Earth)
- Shatterer (Earth-Two)
- Sheree Hatcher (Earth-One)
- Silhouette (Earth-One)
- Sofia Constantinas (Earth-One)
- Sorcerer (New Earth)
- Spinner (Earth-Two)
- Sun-Sphere (Earth-One)
- Syrene (Earth-One)
- Tal Belok (Earth-One)
- Tara Markov (New Earth)
- Thomas Prentice (Camelot 3000)
- Thul-Kar (Earth-One)
- Togo (Earth-One)
- Tsunami (Earth-One)
- Tuebeen (New Earth)
- Tynan (New Earth)
- Ulla Paske (New Earth)
- V'lana (New Earth)
- Vandaemeon (New Earth)
- Vanessa van Helsing (New Earth)
- Virgil Belasco (Earth-One)
- Walter Reilly (New Earth)
- William Craig (New Earth)
- William Wright (Earth-One)
- Wing (New Earth)
- Wyynde (New Earth)
- X'Hal (New Earth)
- Xylpth (New Earth)
- Yera Allon (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Ynar (New Earth)