• 1981 Character Debuts... • 1990s Character Debuts — 1991 — 1992 Character Debuts • ... 2001 Character Debuts •
This category contains a listing of all characters which had their first appearance cover dated 1991 .
See also: 1991 Comic Debuts • 1991 Team Debuts
See also: 1991 Comic Debuts • 1991 Team Debuts
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All items (325)
- Ace the Bat-Hound (New Earth)
- Agent ! (New Earth)
- Agogg (New Earth)
- Albert Watson (Impact)
- Amaya (New Earth)
- Amon Hakk (New Earth)
- Andrew Nolan (SW6)
- Arizona (New Earth)
- Arnold Etchison (New Earth)
- Arvell Hauser (Impact)
- Avral Kaddam (New Earth)
- Ayla Ranzz (SW6)
- B.I.O.N. (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Bashira (New Earth)
- Bast (New Earth)
- Benjamin Lee (Impact)
- Benjamin Lockwood (New Earth)
- Bertron Diib (New Earth)
- Bes (New Earth)
- Big Breeda (New Earth)
- Birgit Eisenmann (New Earth)
- Bloody Mary (New Earth)
- Boom (New Earth)
- Boris Dhumov (New Earth)
- Brendan Finn (New Earth)
- Brik (New Earth)
- Buck Samson (New Earth)
- Buddy Blank (New Earth)
- Buk-50 (New Earth)
- Caesar Lopez (New Earth)
- Carole Donahue (New Earth)
- Catseye (New Earth)
- Cerberus II (New Earth)
- Ceres (New Earth)
- Chantinelle (New Earth)
- Charles Rowland (Vertigo Universe)
- Chessure (New Earth)
- Chillblaine VI (Armageddon 2001)
- Christopher Freeman (New Earth)
- Chromium (Impact)
- Cluracan (New Earth)
- Crawford Winfield (Impact)
- Crystal (Team Titans)
- Curtis Eisenmann (New Earth)
- Cydippe (New Earth)
- Daniel Connors (Impact)
- Daniel Hall (New Earth)
- Darius (New Earth)
- Database (New Earth)
- David Shelby (New Earth)
- De'cine (New Earth)
- Denise Madigan (Impact)
- Destruction (New Earth)
- Devon Hall (Impact)
- Diamond (Superboy TV Series)
- Dirk Morgna (SW6)
- Doctor Saucer (New Earth)
- Donald Spates (Impact)
- Donna Cavanagh (New Earth)
- Donna Troy (Team Titans)
- Doyle Christie (New Earth)
- Droom (Team Titans)
- Duma (New Earth)
- Echson Krystal (New Earth)
- Edgar Cizko (New Earth)
- Edmund Dorrance (New Earth)
- Edwin Paine (Vertigo Universe)
- Eldon Sinclair (Impact)
- Electrocutioner II (New Earth)
- Elizabeth Berg (New Earth)
- Eric Adams (Impact)
- Ernest Earnest (New Earth)
- Eurydice (New Earth)
- The Fact (New Earth)
- Falthis Farr (New Earth)
- Gan Nguyen (New Earth)
- Garth Ranzz (SW6)
- George Crystal (New Earth)
- Giles Coffee (Impact)
- Gim Allon (SW6)
- Glyder (Superboy TV Series)
- Golem II (New Earth)
- Green Cigarette (Earth-Twenty-Seven)
- Harold Moffet (New Earth)
- Harold Ruben (Impact)
- Hastings (New Earth)
- Hazel McNamara (New Earth)
- Henry Hall (Armageddon 2001)
- Hudson (New Earth)
- Huitzilopochtli (New Earth)
- Ilda (Twilight)
- Imra Ardeen (SW6)
- James Christie (New Earth)
- James Madigan (Impact)
- James Wing (New Earth)
- Jan Arrah (SW6)
- Jasmine (New Earth)
- Jason Troy (Impact)
- Jasper Evans (New Earth)
- Jeb Friedman (New Earth)
- Jebediah of Canaan (New Earth)
- Jennifer Novak (Impact)
- Jerzy Reganiewicz (New Earth)
- Jesus Kennedy (Impact)
- Jewish Golem (New Earth)
- Jiv Reduu (New Earth)
- Jo Nah (SW6)
- Jonathan Levine (Team Titans)
- Joseph Angst (New Earth)
- Joseph Higgins (Impact)
- Joseph Martin (New Earth)
- Julie Crystal (New Earth)
- Julius Barrow (New Earth)
- Juno (New Earth)
- Karen Davis (Impact)
- Karen Thomas (Impact)
- Karl Ranck (New Earth)
- Kathryn Ryan (New Earth)
- Keith Robert White (New Earth)
- Kevin Hudman (New Earth)
- L'Par Krystal (New Earth)
- Ladon (New Earth)
- Lance Perry (Impact)
- Lance Stern (Impact)
- Lar Gand (SW6)
- Laurel Gand (SW6)
- Leonard Rothco (Impact)
- Les Perdu (New Earth)
- Liberty the Dog (New Earth)
- Liri Lee (New Earth)
- Little Mermaid II (New Earth)
- Lorna Gaines (New Earth)
- Louse-Man (New Earth)
- Luiza Timmerman (Impact)
- Luornu Durgo (SW6)
- Lyana (New Earth)
- Lyle Norg (SW6)
- Lynx (New Earth)
- Lyrl Dox (New Earth)
- Malice Vundabar (New Earth)
- Maria de Guzman (Impact)
- Marion Higgins (Impact)
- Marita (New Earth)
- Mary Masterson (Impact)
- Matthew Ryder (New Earth)
- Maurice Puanteur (New Earth)
- Maxim Ruiz (Impact)
- Maxwell Lord III (New Earth)
- Mazikeen (New Earth)
- Meda (New Earth)
- Miliza (New Earth)
- Minerva (Roman goddess) (New Earth)
- Minkis (New Earth)
- Miriam Delgado (Team Titans)
- Mister Keeper (New Earth)
- Mister Z (New Earth)
- Morgan Rule (New Earth)
- Mrs. Gradenko (New Earth)
- Murray Serrintella (Impact)
- Myra Allen (New Earth)
- Myrrha (New Earth)
- N'Zrath (New Earth)
- Natalia Spirin (New Earth)
- Nathan Cray (Impact)
- Nathan East (Impact)
- Nuala (New Earth)
- Number None (New Earth)
- Orpheus (New Earth)
- Osiris, God of the Dead (New Earth)
- Paradox (New Earth)
- Paul Westfield (New Earth)
- Pirate Blue (Impact)
- Piscator (New Earth)
- Procne (New Earth)
- Professor Powder (New Earth)
- Projectra Wind'zzor (SW6)
- Pyotr Raskov (New Earth)
- Pyranis (New Earth)
- Queen of Hearts I (New Earth)
- Quentin Eastly (New Earth)
- Querl Dox (SW6)
- Rabbi Liebowitz (New Earth)
- Radcliffe Stiles (Impact)
- Randolph Porter (New Earth)
- Rashira (New Earth)
- Reep Daggle (SW6)
- Remiel (New Earth)
- Richard Mannecks (Impact)
- Richard Mission (New Earth)
- Richard Shay (New Earth)
- Robert Boone (Impact)
- Robert Carmichael (New Earth)
- Robert Connors (Impact)
- Rokk Krinn (SW6)
- Ronald Troupe (New Earth)
- Rory Regan (New Earth)
- Rosabelle Mendez (New Earth)
- Roscoe Barrow (New Earth)