• 1984 Character Debuts... • 1993s Character Debuts — 1994 — 1995 Character Debuts • ... 2004 Character Debuts •
This category contains a listing of all characters which had their first appearance cover dated 1994 .
See also: 1994 Comic Debuts • 1994 Team Debuts
See also: 1994 Comic Debuts • 1994 Team Debuts
All items (658)
- James Forrestal (JSA: The Golden Age)
- James Gordon (Citizen Wayne)
- James Gordon (Earth-32)
- James Gordon (The Tyrant)
- James Lockhart (JSA: The Golden Age)
- James Olsen (Legacy)
- James Olsen (Super Seven)
- Jean-Paul Valley (Super Seven)
- Jeanne Chu (Post-Zero Hour)
- Jefferson Pierce (DCAU)
- Jemahl Irons (New Earth)
- Jenni Ognats (Post-Zero Hour)
- Jennifer Davison (Vamps)
- Jervis Tetch (The Tyrant)
- Jessica Jordan (New Earth)
- Jeven Ognats (Post-Zero Hour)
- Jitter (New Earth)
- Joan Leland (DCAU)
- Jocasta of Themyscira (New Earth)
- Joe Chill (Earth-32)
- Joe Hercules (JSA: The Golden Age)
- John Chan (New Earth)
- John Park (New Earth)
- John Stewart (Ring of Evil)
- John Zatara (JSA: The Golden Age)
- Joker (The Tyrant)
- Jonas Glim (A Fistful of Bastiches)
- Jonathan Crane (The Tyrant)
- Jonathan Naissi (New Earth)
- Jor-El (Legacy)
- Joseph Hong (New Earth)
- Joyride (Dakotaverse)
- Judy (New Earth)
- Julia Lavenza (Castle of the Bat)
- Julianna Hutöff (New Earth)
- Kahina Eskandari (Dakotaverse)
- Kakk (New Earth)
- Kal-El (Earth-32)
- Kal-El (Legacy)
- Kal-El (Super Seven)
- Karl Hansen (Wildstorm Universe)
- Katar Hol (Super Seven)
- Kathana (New Earth)
- Kathryn Mark (New Earth)
- Katma Tui (Earth-32)
- Ke'Haan (New Earth)
- Keith Everet (JSA: The Golden Age)
- Kenneth Braverman (New Earth)
- Khara (New Earth)
- Kilowog (Earth-32)
- Kimon Tanaka (New Earth)
- Kingdom (New Earth)
- Kkrudd (New Earth)
- Klali (New Earth)
- Knockout (New Earth)
- Kobalt (Dakotaverse)
- Kyle (New Earth)
- Kyle Morgan (JSA: The Golden Age)
- Kyle Rayner (DCAU)
- Kyle Rayner (New Earth)
- Kyle Woodleaf (New Earth)
- Lacey Van Horn (New Earth)
- Lana Lang (Super Seven)
- Lartys (New Earth)
- Lawrence Jordan (JSA: The Golden Age)
- Lawrence Trainor (JSA: The Golden Age)
- Leatherwing (Earth-494)
- Lee Travis (JSA: The Golden Age)
- Leland McCauley (Post-Zero Hour)
- Lester Davis (JSA: The Golden Age)
- Lester Davis (Super Seven)
- Letifos (New Earth)
- Liam Hawkleigh (New Earth)
- Little Bo (A Fistful of Bastiches)
- Little Boe (A Fistful of Bastiches)
- Liv (New Earth)
- Lobo (Attack of the O Squad)
- Lois Lane (Super Seven)
- Lone Fragger (A Fistful of Bastiches)
- Lonnie Machin (The Tyrant)
- Lost Johnny (New Earth)
- Luis Cisco (Wildstorm Universe)
- Luornu Durgo (Post-Zero Hour)
- Lyle Norg (Post-Zero Hour)
- M'R'R (Feral Man of Steel)
- Madeline Giles (New Earth)
- Main Man with no Name (A Fistful of Bastiches)
- Mala (New Earth)
- Mala of Bana-Mighdall (New Earth)
- Mania (New Earth)
- Mano (Post-Zero Hour)
- Manticore III (New Earth)
- Manual Dexterity (Dakotaverse)
- Marak Russen (Post-Zero Hour)
- Maria Molina (Dakotaverse)
- Marilyn Batson (New Earth)
- Mark Armstrong (New Earth)
- Marla Latham (Post-Zero Hour)
- Martha Roberts (JSA: The Golden Age)
- Martha Wayne (Castle of the Bat)
- Martyn (New Earth)
- Mary Batson (New Earth)
- Mary Harper (New Earth)
- Mary Hunter (New Earth)
- Mary Pittarese (Wildstorm Universe)
- Marya (New Earth)
- Mason O'Dare (New Earth)
- Massacre (New Earth)
- Matthew Callahan (Wildstorm Universe)
- Matthew O'Dare (New Earth)
- Matthew Ryan (JSA: The Golden Age)
- Maxilla Yale (New Earth)
- Megafire (New Earth)
- Mekt Ranzz (Post-Zero Hour)
- Meltdown II (New Earth)
- Merry Pemberton (JSA: The Golden Age)
- Miasma (New Earth)
- Michael Carter (Super Seven)
- Miguel Medina (Dakotaverse)
- Mink (Vamps)
- Molly Mayne (JSA: The Golden Age)
- Molly O'Reilly (New Earth)
- Moses (New Earth)
- Murphy (New Earth)
- Nadine Terrill (New Earth)
- Nameless One of the Archai (New Earth)
- Nanaue (New Earth)
- Natasha Irons (New Earth)
- Nathan Flack (Dakotaverse)
- Nera (New Earth)
- Nicodemus Hazzard (New Earth)
- Nikki (New Earth)
- Niles Caulder (JSA: The Golden Age)
- Noah Brazil (New Earth)
- Norma Praetorius (Dakotaverse)
- Nuscia (New Earth)
- Ohm (New Earth)
- Oliver Queen (DCAU)
- Oliver Queen (JSA: The Golden Age)
- Osprey (New Earth)
- Oswald Cobblepot (The Tyrant)
- Pamela Isley (No Rules to Follow)
- Pancho Lobo (A Fistful of Bastiches)
- Parallax (New Earth)
- Patrice (New Earth)
- Patrick Dugan (JSA: The Golden Age)
- Paul Longo (New Earth)
- Paul Morris (Dakotaverse)
- Payback (New Earth)
- Penelope II (New Earth)
- Penn Selkirk (New Earth)
- Peregrine (New Earth)
- Peter Betz (Dakotaverse)
- Plasma (New Earth)
- Pockets (New Earth)
- Poppinjay (New Earth)
- Princess Nightmare (Dakotaverse)
- Probert (New Earth)
- Professor Dred (New Earth)
- Prospector (A Fistful of Bastiches)
- Puff (Dakotaverse)
- Quake (New Earth)
- Querl Dox (Post-Zero Hour)
- Ra's al Ghul (The Last Man)
- Rachel Callahan (Wildstorm Universe)
- Radiant (New Earth)
- Rainsaw (Dakotaverse)
- Ralph Dibny (JSA: The Golden Age)
- Ramon Rand (Dakotaverse)
- Ramsey Murdoch (New Earth)
- Rasputin Widdle (New Earth)
- Raw Meat (New Earth)
- Raymond Kessler (New Earth)
- Raymond Palmer (JSA: The Golden Age)
- Raymond Palmer (Super Seven)
- Reep Daggle (Post-Zero Hour)
- Reginald Hazlewood (Dakotaverse)
- René Jacques Brande (Post-Zero Hour)
- Rex Mason (JSA: The Golden Age)
- Richard Dare (JSA: The Golden Age)
- Richard McNamara (Wildstorm Universe)
- Richard Page (Dakotaverse)
- Richard Raleigh (JSA: The Golden Age)
- Richard Stanton (JSA: The Golden Age)
- Ricochet II (New Earth)
- Rita Farr (JSA: The Golden Age)
- Rita Muldoon (New Earth)
- Robert Diaz (Wildstorm Universe)
- Roberta Harper (New Earth)
- Robin Redblade (Earth-494)
- Rockface (New Earth)
- Rod Reilly (JSA: The Golden Age)
- Roderick Doyle (Post-Zero Hour)
- Rodney Gaynor (JSA: The Golden Age)
- Roger Hayden (JSA: The Golden Age)
- Rokk Krinn (Post-Zero Hour)
- Rostov (Wildstorm Universe)
- Roxanne Sutton (DCAU)
- Rufus Wild (Dakotaverse)