• 2013 Character Debuts... • 2022s Character Debuts — 2023 — 2024 Character Debuts • ...2033 •
This category contains a listing of all characters which had their first appearance cover dated 2023 .
See also: 2023 Comic Debuts • 2023 Team Debuts
See also: 2023 Comic Debuts • 2023 Team Debuts
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All items (352)
- A.T.L.A.S. (Prime Earth)
- Alfred Pennyworth (Earth-Batman)
- Alfred Pennyworth (Gargoyle of Gotham)
- Amalak (Prime Earth)
- Anthony Rodriguez (Prime Earth)
- Anton Lamont (Prime Earth)
- Aqib Khan (Prime Earth)
- Aquaman I (Prime Earth)
- Arc Angles
- Archie Waller (Prime Earth)
- Ash II (Prime Earth)
- Aster DeLamb (Prime Earth)
- Atom (Post-Rebirth)
- Aurora, Goddess of Dawn (Prime Earth)
- Austin Clutch (Prime Earth)
- Baigujing (Prime Earth)
- Barbara Gordon (Earth-Batman)
- Basil Karlo (Earth-Batman)
- Beast Girl II (Prime Earth)
- Black Jack I (Prime Earth)
- Brainiac Queen (Prime Earth)
- Bright (Prime Earth)
- Bruce Wayne (Earth-162)
- Bruce Wayne (Earth-Batman)
- Bruce Wayne (Gargoyle of Gotham)
- Calendar Man (Dark Knights of Steel)
- Cameron Kim (Prime Earth)
- Captain Blanco (Prime Earth)
- Captain Cold (Dark Knights of Steel)
- Cerberus (DC Extended Universe)
- Cerdian (Prime Earth)
- Chacal (Prime Earth)
- Charles de Ghoul (Prime Earth)
- Childminder (Prime Earth)
- Choker (Just Imagine)
- Christopher Lukas (Prime Earth)
- Corvus Cawl (Prime Earth)
- Crytoon (Gargoyle of Gotham)
- Cylvia Cyber (Prime Earth)
- Dai Laffyn (Prime Earth)
- Dal Tornan (Prime Earth)
- Damian Wayne (Superkids)
- Damian Wayne (Wonder Woman: Trinity)
- Dark Raven (Prime Earth)
- Degenerate (Prime Earth)
- Dian Belmont (Prime Earth)
- Dinah Kom (Prime Earth)
- Dirk Blüd (Prime Earth)
- Divine (Prime Earth)
- Doctor Fate II (Post-Rebirth)
- Doctor Pharm (Prime Earth)
- Doctor Ramirez (Prime Earth)
- Dudley H. Dudley (Prime Earth)
- Dusty Bronco (Prime Earth)
- Dylan Moore (Prime Earth)
- Edward Whit (Prime Earth)
- El Matanzas (Prime Earth)
- Eleanor Stewart (Prime Earth)
- Elena Aoki (Prime Earth)
- Elizabeth Prince (Wonder Woman: Trinity)
- Elizabeth Rose (Prime Earth)
- Eradicator III (Prime Earth)
- Evan McCulloch (Prime Earth)
- Fog (Prime Earth)
- Foul Play (Prime Earth)
- Fraction Empress (Prime Earth)
- Franz Ebner (Gargoyle of Gotham)
- Garguax (Prime Earth)
- General Blanche (Prime Earth)
- Gerard Shugel (Prime Earth)
- Gerhard van Gehirn (Just Imagine)
- Gloria James (Prime Earth)
- Glyanna (Prime Earth)
- Gog (Prime Earth)
- Gra'z (Dark Knights of Steel)
- Graft (Prime Earth)
- Green Lantern (Post-Rebirth)
- Grinning Man (Prime Earth)
- Hal Jordan II (Just Imagine)
- Hamid Stanli (Prime Earth)
- Hamlet the Lion (Prime Earth)
- Harleen Quinzel (Harley Screws Up the DCU)
- Heat Wave, Jr. (Prime Earth)
- Hektor Hol (Prime Earth)
- Helena Kosmatos (Prime Earth)
- Herbert Simms (Prime Earth)
- Infinity (Prime Earth)
- Infinity II (Prime Earth)
- Inspector Pilgrim (Prime Earth)
- J'ordan J'onzz (Dark Knights of Steel)
- J. Edgar Hoover (Prime Earth)
- Jacqueline Pemberton (Prime Earth)
- James Gordon (Gargoyle of Gotham)
- James Martin (Prime Earth)
- James Olsen (Just Imagine)
- James Stanton (Prime Earth)
- Jane Smith (Prime Earth)
- Jason Todd (Earth-Batman)
- Javier Basualdo (Prime Earth)
- Jay Nakamura (Injustice)
- Jean-Louis Droo (Prime Earth)
- Jeffrey Holt (Prime Earth)
- Jessica Cruz (Injustice)
- John Henry Irons I (Prime Earth)
- John Wilson (Prime Earth)
- Joker (Earth-Batman)
- Jokul Frosti (Prime Earth)
- Jonathan Gabrielli (Prime Earth)
- Jonathan Samuel Kent (Superkids)
- Jonathan Samuel Kent (Wonder Woman: Trinity)
- Judy Garrick (Prime Earth)
- Julien Jourdain (Prime Earth)
- Kal-El (Earth M)
- Kal-El (Justice League vs. Godzilla vs. Kong)
- Kent V. Nelson (Prime Earth)
- Kha-Ef-Re (Prime Earth)
- Khalid Nassour (The New Golden Age)
- Konfusion (Earth 3)
- Korg (Prime Earth)
- Kyle Knight (The New Golden Age)
- Kyle the Catboi (Futures End)
- Legionnaire (Prime Earth)
- Lena Luthor II (Prime Earth)
- Leo Lamont (Prime Earth)
- Leslie Humphries (Prime Earth)
- Lisa Lombard (Prime Earth)
- Little Miss Redhead (Prime Earth)
- Liza Warner (Prime Earth)
- LL-01 (Prime Earth)
- Lloyd Crayton (Prime Earth)
- Lori Lemaris (Prime Earth)
- M'yri'ah (Dark Knights of Steel)
- Madame Zodiac (Prime Earth)
- Malcolm Thawne (Prime Earth)
- Marilyn Moonlight (Prime Earth)
- Matrix (Prime Earth)
- Matthew Callahan (Prime Earth)
- Maximillian Zeus (Earth-Batman)
- Mia Mizoguchi (Megadeath)
- Michael Mayne (Prime Earth)
- Michael Morice (Prime Earth)
- Michael the Bee (Prime Earth)
- Mindancer (Prime Earth)
- Mineral Man (Prime Earth)
- Minerva (Prime Earth)
- Miss Murder (Prime Earth)
- Molly Preacher (Prime Earth)
- Nathan Broome (Prime Earth)
- Nekron (Just Imagine)
- Neo Kekoa (Prime Earth)
- NewMazo (Prime Earth)
- Nicholas Galtry (Prime Earth)
- Nikolas Kamarov (Prime Earth)
- Olivia Desmond (Prime Earth)
- Patrick MacGuire (Prime Earth)
- Pavlo Stupka (Prime Earth)
- Peacewrecker (Prime Earth)
- Philip Master (Prime Earth)
- Phineas Butler (Prime Earth)
- Pira (Prime Earth)
- Power Boy (Prime Earth)
- Professor Hughes (Prime Earth)
- Protex (Dark Knights of Steel)
- Quinn Nash (Prime Earth)
- Quintus Arce (Prime Earth)
- Raghu Seetharaman (Prime Earth)
- Raphael Arce (Prime Earth)
- Raquel Rhoades (Prime Earth)
- Red Son (Prime Earth)
- Reverse-Grodd (Prime Earth)
- Richard Mehlville (Prime Earth)
- Robbie the Robot Dog (Prime Earth)
- Robert Kane (Prime Earth)
- Robert Long (Prime Earth)
- Roberta Harper (Prime Earth)
- Roma Jurado Lopez (Prime Earth)
- Rosibel Rivera (Prime Earth)
- Rotur-Za (Prime Earth)
- Ruben Blüd (Prime Earth)
- Ruby Sokov (Prime Earth)
- Salem Nader (Prime Earth)
- Sammy Stryker (Prime Earth)
- Saya (Prime Earth)
- Selene (Prime Earth)
- Simon Choe (Prime Earth)
- Sin (Prime Earth)
- Solace (Prime Earth)
- Sovereign (Prime Earth)
- Sparkington J. Northrup (Prime Earth)
- Starchild (Prime Earth)
- Supergirl I (Earth 11)
- Tap Dance (Prime Earth)
- Thomas Rogers (Prime Earth)
- Thomas Thompkins (Prime Earth)
- Tortoise (Prime Earth)
- Travv (Prime Earth)
- Trilogy (Prime Earth)
- Troublemaker (Prime Earth)
- Turtle I (Prime Earth)