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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Andre (Quality Universe).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 ' Quote2

--Andre (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Ah, mon sweet, you suggested we start to hunt for mes amis at ze MOUNTAIN CABIN --- and yet I had never told you such a place existed! Only you could have betrayed us I realized then! Andre lives weeth ze HEAD as well as ZE HEART! Quote2

--Andre (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Mon Dieu! Eet would not be veree difficult to get lost in here, mes amis! Quote2

--Andre (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Sacre Bleu! It .. it is a graveyard of lost ships! Quote2

--Andre (Quality Universe)

Quote1 But he does not risk ze laws of big governments! He keeps his headquarters castle in ze tiny nation of Mount Zerro. Quote2

--Andre (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Alors! It is much better this way! It would be so unfair for this aging one to win ze hand of ze beautiful Maria while I persist in lonely bachelorhood! Quote2

--Andre (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Tiens! If we reach Azaria by dawn, it will be better, no? Those who sleep need never awake! Quote2

--Andre (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Merde! That she-wolf means it! We must submit to spare innocent people! Quote2

--Andre (Quality Universe)

Quote1 I am astonish that you can theenk so fast weeth such a pretty head! Quote2

--Andre (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Coward! Poltroon! Wait ... I, Andre, give you ze lesson in la boxe! Quote2

--Andre (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Before ze sleep-time, let us sing ze songs, mes amis! Quote2

--Andre (Quality Universe)

Quote1 He weel boast no more! He is gone where ze truth of everyone is known! Quote2

--Andre (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Sacre Bleu! Your suspicions were correct, Blackhawk! Ze Communist peegs were plotting to overthrow ze Natanian government! Quote2

--Andre (Quality Universe)

All items (13)
