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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Arthur Curry (Prime Earth).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 For someone who can't speak, you say a lot sometimes. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Mr. Shin taught me how to use my powers. And then he tried to kill me. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm sorry, Mera. The way mariners say good-bye is to wish each other fair winds and following seas. My heart, I wish you fair winds and following seas. Always. I will see you again. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 The Operative has enemies all over the world. Can any of them mutate creatures this way? Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I don't want to be one of them. I don't want the responsibility. I never asked for it. I want a life up here. With you. I'm not going back to Atlantis. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I am AQUAMAN-- the king of the seven seas. This is my birthright. This is my responsibility. And I will embrace it. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 What's your problem?! A man is dying out there! Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 That's right, I can talk through water. And I'm not only the king of Atlantis. I have another title. Aquaman. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I wish we could talk. I wish I could make you understand, I can't allow you to use us as food. I'm sorry. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm the bulwark upon which it breaks. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Sooner or later... king or hero... my hand will be forced and I'll do what I originally set out to do. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 There's only one Mera. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I want to make it part of the global community. I want to raise Atlantis out of the oceans and into the world. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 So, I meant to say … you made Garth your Director of Communications? What I love about you most, Mera, is your sense of irony. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I know the oceans better than anyone, but they're still full of secrets, even to me. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm not one of you. I know that now. I don't belong here! Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I've kept my promise, Superman. Atlantis is not at war with the surface world. But someone's making it look that way. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I intend to make one last effort to halt this war with the surface. If I fail, I will accept that Koah was right. I will accept that my dream of peace is foolish and unworkable ... I will step down from the throne of Atlantis, and be your king no longer. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I was wrong. Kill me, and you won't be left with nothing. You'll be left with a lifetime of disappointment. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 That breaks my heart. But kings must be strong. They must assert their authority. The history of this nation is littered with revolts. The great kings have always stood firm, despite the odds. I am king. I'm going to fight for my throne and prove it. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Do you know what a vigilante is, Dolphin? I do that because it's all I can do. Help people, one by one. I can't save the whole city. I tried that. I failed at being a king. I am Orin now. The Aquaman. I will help people...but I'm not the man you want to lead a revolt against Corum Rath. You're wrong to pin your hopes on me...someone else will have to save Atlantis. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Is that what you want? A hero to bring down Rath? Not a king to rule in his place? I won't be a king again, Dolphin. But if the rest is enough for you and for Atlantis...then you have Aquaman. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 No time to talk. Spread the word. Justice is coming. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 You're going to need all your strength in the months ahead. A great destiny awaits you. One neither of us expected. I love you more than the world, Mera. I always will. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Rath can still be stopped, Murk. You're commander of the Kingsguard. You have access to the palace. You can get me close to Rath. We stop him. Together. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 If I don't fight for one life, how can I fight for all? What you call sentiment may make me a bad king... but it also makes me human. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I should thank you, Rath... you've united Atlantis in a way that I never could! From the highest trides to the depths of the Ninth -- even Xebel for God's sake -- you've given us all a common enemy -- you! Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 It felt like fire, like burning. I thought it was the water entering my lungs, invading my body... it wasn't. It was the fear leaving. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Hello princess. Daddy's here. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 How many times have your enemies tried to defeat you by making you look bad in the eyes of the world? Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Speaking of life and death... Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Thanks for saving our asses, Gordon. I'd say you just took your first step towards epic. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 It's gone... I can't feel... I can't hear the ocean anymore... Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 It's time to be the team they thought we were instead of the team we've been these last five years. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Ignore him. That was a huge deal. You just watched the world being saved. Correction ... you just helped save the world. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 With the Source Wall broken, Poseidon dead, the shores seem to be closing in on us all. The waters are growing dark. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Doom has all but won. But there's still a chance to turn the tide. And to do that, the Justice League needs its Aquaman! Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Get out of my city. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I was frightened to my core by the very water around me. The place I am most at home was suddenly the place I had to escape. My heart was racing. My brain was racing. My brain was fire. I could feel myself blacking out from fear as I swam to the surface. And for the life of me, I have no idea what happened. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 And Mera is why I'm here. there is nothing more important in my life than her. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 It's -- it's not just the power that I miss, Oliver... It's my mother. The things I could do -- the reason I could do them... it's because of my mother, and all the sacrifices she made -- so that I would be safe. I miss her every day, but when I use the strength she gave me -- when I use the things she passed on to me that help me survive this world... the she's always with me. Whatever this is... it fells like she's gone. She's just gone. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Guardsmen, this is your king speaking -- that man is Oliver Queen... and he is a threat to the safety and security of our home. Treat him accordingly... Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 You think you've beaten us... but better than you have tried, and in the end, you all learn... not even death will hold us. I've been dead before, and I've come back. Soon... we'll see if you can say the same. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Your father... he's helping us now. This time... he's on our side... Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 We were both born outcasts. We're more similar than not. I might've listened, but you attacked me again and again. And I'm Aquaman. You don't screw with the king of the deep and if you do... you bring more than a fishhook. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Andy's gone! Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 We're good. You're Aquaman. I'm Aquaman. Talk later. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 And Mera is why I'm here. There is nothing more important in my life than her. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 All of Atlantis is gone... save for that pearl... Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 It's time to be the team they thought we were instead of the team we've been these last five years. Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 My duties may appear to be divided-- but they benefit all Atlantis! Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

Quote1 The New God cometh! Quote2

--Arthur Curry (Prime Earth)

All items (52)
