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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Barry Allen (Out of Time).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 That's the Daniel I remember—always lashing out, never thinking anything through. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Out of Time)

Quote1 Remember when they let you join the Justice League? Gave you a full pardon and everything. You have no idea how peeved that made me. You. In the Justice League. I admire you for it now. You didn't care about all the crimes you committed. The injured innocents. You left all that in the past. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Out of Time)

Quote1 You might not think you amount to much, but you were the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Out of Time)

Quote1 Eleven died because I was late. The Speed Force is ruptured, and I've been slipping time for decades. The more I run, the more I lose. So I'm running back. I'm running back to fix it all. And to make sure—succeed or fail—idiots like you never hurt anyone again. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Out of Time)

Quote1 Eleven died because I was late. The Speed Force is ruptured, and I've been slipping time for decades. The more I run, the more I lose. So I'm running back. I'm running back to fix it all. And to make sure--succeed or fail--idiots like you never hurt anyone again. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Out of Time)

Quote1 ...We broke it. The whole damn Speed Force. It's the stitching that holds space-time together, and it's unraveling. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Out of Time)

Quote1 You don't have to be like the others, Axel. You can change. More important, you still have time to. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Out of Time)

Quote1 Barry... I'm so sorry. I was so... Arrogant. Please... take a different path. Don't waste your years... thinking only... of vengeance. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Out of Time)

Quote1 You saw how careless Napalm was, how easily he could've killed dozens here today. I let him live, and we both know he'll rack up a body count. Quote2

--Barry Allen (Out of Time)

All items (9)
