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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Big Barda (New Earth).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 Moron! Quote2

--Big Barda (New Earth)

Quote1 Mister Miracle will create a Boom Tube and teleport this thing to the edge of the Source! The ultimate escape from the ultimate death trap! Quote2

--Big Barda (New Earth)

Quote1 It's what you feel for your little ones. The fear for their safety... and the happiness that they're here with you. It's need... and want... for something to care for you as you care for them. It's knowing that someone does care. Love... is being loved. Everyone needs love... especially the strong... especially those who fear it most! Quote2

--Big Barda (New Earth)

Quote1 I couldn't fail him! I won't fail you, Shilo. You see--- I once lost a friend who couldn't--- escape! Quote2

--Big Barda (New Earth)

Quote1 As for you, Shilo Norman-- You're going to be quite a man when your talents develop. Just remember--- Good guys finish last-- Because they're on their feet when the bad guy's down! Quote2

--Big Barda (New Earth)

Quote1 I'm not so bad. A little rough, maybe -- but once you get to know me -- I can be a real pussycat. Quote2

--Big Barda (New Earth)

Quote1 Hag!! You taught me how to hate! But you couldn't teach me whom to hate!! Quote2

--Big Barda (New Earth)

Quote1 'The rod corrupts the weak-willed. It can take a person over...bit by bit...until there's nothing left but a destructive puppet -- dancing on Darkseid's strings. Quote2

--Big Barda (New Earth)

Quote1 Shhh! Orion will do the fighting... You do the loving! Quote2

--Big Barda (New Earth)

Quote1 Now come to bed. We can discuss your superstardom in the morning. Quote2

--Big Barda (New Earth)

Quote1 That does it! There'll be no more puppy suffering in this town! Quote2

--Big Barda (New Earth)

Quote1 I never lose. Quote2

--Big Barda (New Earth)

Quote1 Incredible! I was spawned out of Armagetto and the brutal regimen of Darkseid's training... but the senseless savagery of this so-called civilization never ceases to astound me. Quote2

--Big Barda (New Earth)

All items (13)
