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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Black Manta (New Earth).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 It's this simple, is it? I can just watch you die... and then I rest. Quote2

--Black Manta (New Earth)

Quote1 Oh, man, there's something so satisfying about watching people trying to dodge a deadly weapon! Quote2

--Black Manta (New Earth)

Quote1 There's no hurry. We'll come to you. Quote2

--Black Manta (New Earth)

Quote1 What are you crying about, Aquaman? YOU SHOULD BE USED TO THAT. Quote2

--Black Manta (New Earth)

Quote1 No, I mean exactly what I said: "my people." Or have you never wondered why I'm called -- Black Manta --? Not that racism is my motive -- there's no profit in prejudice -- but since blacks have been suppressed for so long on the surface, they fight well for a chance to be "masters" below! Quote2

--Black Manta (New Earth)

Quote1 Hey, Mr. King of the Seas... I have a question... and I've been waiting a long time to ask it. How's the wife and kid? Quote2

--Black Manta (New Earth)

Quote1 To be perfectly frank -- I'm doing it out of simple spite... I really hate your guts, you know... Quote2

--Black Manta (New Earth)

Quote1 You gave me my life back, Arthur. And now I'll do anything to put things right between us. Quote2

--Black Manta (New Earth)

Quote1 Y'see, deep down, in my most secret heart of hearts, I'm still a totally depraved sonofabitch whose main goal in life is to watch you die. Slowly and painfully. Just like your kid. Quote2

--Black Manta (New Earth)

All items (9)
