This page contains a listing of all known Characters created by Brandon Choi.
If you find a Character created by this person and it is not shown here, please edit that character's page by adding "Brandon Choi" as a Creator.
If you find a Character created by this person and it is not shown here, please edit that character's page by adding "Brandon Choi" as a Creator.
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All items (180)
- Absolom (Wildstorm Universe)
- Adrianna Tereshkova (Prime Earth)
- Adrianna Tereshkova (The Wild Storm)
- Adrianna Tereshkova (Wildstorm Universe)
- Albino (Wildstorm Universe)
- Alessandra Fermi (Wildstorm Universe)
- Alexander Fairchild (Gen 13 Movie)
- Alexander Fairchild (Prime Earth)
- Alexander Fairchild (Wildstorm Universe)
- Alexandra Gardner (Gen 13 Movie)
- Alexandra Gardner (Wildstorm Universe)
- Ali Fargham (Wildstorm Universe)
- Alicia Turner (Wildstorm Universe)
- Andrew Stansfield (Wildstorm Universe)
- Andromache (Wildstorm Universe)
- Anna (Wildstorm Universe)
- Artemis (Wildstorm Universe)
- Cabal (Wildstorm Universe)
- Caitlin Fairchild (Prime Earth)
- Caitlin Fairchild (Wildstorm Universe)
- Caroline MacArthur (Wildstorm Universe)
- Cassandra Newland (Wildstorm Universe)
- Charles Sweeney (Wildstorm Universe)
- Christine Trelane (Wildstorm Universe)
- Clayton H. Maure (Wildstorm Universe)
- Coda Sisterhood
- Cole Cash (DC Legends)
- Cole Cash (Flashpoint Paradox)
- Cole Cash (Flashpoint Timeline)
- Cole Cash (Future State)
- Cole Cash (Futures End)
- Cole Cash (Prime Earth)
- Cole Cash (WildC.A.T.s TV Series)
- Cole Cash (Wildstorm Universe)
- Cord Dexter Lemoyne (Wildstorm Universe)
- Hadrian (WildC.A.T.s TV Series)
- Halo Corporation
- Hardball (Damocles Universe)
- Harmony of Khera (Wildstorm Universe)
- Hector Morales (Wildstorm Universe)
- Heinrich Hester (Wildstorm Universe)
- Helga Kleinman (Gen 13 Movie)
- Helga Kleinman (Wildstorm Universe)
- Helmut (Wildstorm Universe)
- Helspont (Prime Earth)
- Helspont (WildC.A.T.s TV Series)
- Helspont (Wildstorm Universe)
- Henry Bendix (Prime Earth)
- Henry Bendix (The Wild Storm)
- Henry Bendix (Wildstorm Universe)
- Hightower (Wildstorm Universe)
- Jack Rhodes (Wildstorm Universe)
- Jackson King (Wildstorm Universe)
- Jacob Marlowe (WildC.A.T.s TV Series)
- Jade (Damocles Universe)
- James Bronson (Prime Earth)
- James MacArthur (Wildstorm Universe)
- Janine Fulton (Prime Earth)
- Janine Fulton (Wildstorm Universe)
- Jeremy Stone (Prime Earth)
- Jeremy Stone (WildC.A.T.s TV Series)
- Jeremy Stone (Wildstorm Universe)
- John Lynch (Gen 13 Movie)
- John Lynch (Prime Earth)
- John Lynch (Wildstorm Universe)
- Joseph H. Mendoza (Wildstorm Universe)
- Joseph Parker (Wildstorm Universe)
- Julie Newberry (Wildstorm Universe)
- Majestros (WildC.A.T.s TV Series)
- Majestros (Wildstorm Universe)
- Malcolm King (Wildstorm Universe)
- Maritza Blackbird (Wildstorm Universe)
- Mary Pittarese (Wildstorm Universe)
- Matthew Callahan (Gen 13 Movie)
- Matthew Callahan (Prime Earth)
- Matthew Callahan (Wildstorm Universe)
- Max Cash (Prime Earth)
- Maxwell Burns (Wildstorm Universe)
- Maxwell Cash (Wildstorm Universe)
- Maya Royko (Wildstorm Universe)
- Mercs (Prime Earth)
- Mercs (Wildstorm Universe)
- Michael Cray (Prime Earth)
- Michael Cray (The Wild Storm)
- Michael Cray (Wildstorm Universe)
- Michael Heller (Wildstorm Universe)
- Miles Craven (The Wild Storm)
- Miles Craven (Wildstorm Universe)
- Mitchell Saunders (Wildstorm Universe)
- Percival Edmund Chang (Prime Earth)
- Percival Edmund Chang (Wildstorm Universe)
- Persephone (Wildstorm Universe)
- Phobia (Wildstorm Universe)
- Pike (Prime Earth)
- Pike (Wildstorm Universe)
- Priscilla Kitaen (Prime Earth)
- Priscilla Kitaen (The Wild Storm)
- Priscilla Kitaen (WildC.A.T.s TV Series)
- Priscilla Kitaen (Wildstorm Universe)
- Rachel Callahan (Gen 13 Movie)
- Rachel Callahan (Wildstorm Universe)
- Rachel Goldman (Wildstorm Universe)
- Rake (Damocles Universe)
- Reno Bryce (Prime Earth)
- Reno Bryce (WildC.A.T.s TV Series)
- Reno Bryce (Wildstorm Universe)
- Richard McNamara (Wildstorm Universe)
- Robert DuVale (Wildstorm Universe)
- Robert Lane (Prime Earth)
- Robert Lane (Wildstorm Universe)
- Roxanne Spaulding (Gen 13 Movie)
- Roxanne Spaulding (Prime Earth)
- Roxanne Spaulding (Wildstorm Universe)
- Salvador Joel Alonday (Wildstorm Universe)
- Sarah Rainmaker (Prime Earth)
- Sarah Rainmaker (Wildstorm Universe)
- Seamus O'Brienn (Prime Earth)
- Seamus O'Brienn (Wildstorm Universe)
- Siren (Wildstorm Universe)
- Sister Eve (Wildstorm Universe)
- Skywatch (location)
- Stephen Callahan (Wildstorm Universe)
- Stewart Chang (Wildstorm Universe)
- Stormwatch (Prime Earth)
- Stormwatch (Wildstorm Universe)