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DC Bullet 2024
This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Bruce Wayne (Castle of the Bat).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 I pray my work here is benefiting mankind. It's the only way I can "practice in uprightness and honor..." as my sworn oath dictates... But what of my first oath? I swore I'd kill a man -- my parent's killer. How can I be true to both vows? Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Castle of the Bat)

Quote1 My "Bathound" was a normal dog until he received the extraordinary night tracking energy of a bat. He is now the greatest hunting animal on the face of the planet. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Castle of the Bat)

Quote1 Could they all be right? Could my pursuits be the work of some evil force? Am I condemned to be forever estranged from mankind, even in my research? Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Castle of the Bat)

All items (3)
