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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Bruce Wayne (Earth-One).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 The Batman seldom enjoys himself! I'm certain he envies those who can lead peaceful lives! He's driven... he's burdened with a compulsion to battle crime! It isn't pretty-- it's simply what he does… what he needs to do! Don't pity him-- but don't condemn him either! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 He's even madder than his nickname! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 He-- The only man who ever solved my identity-secret-- He was a greater detective than I! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Are you sure you're not related to the Joker? Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I've never told anyone this... but you were my biggest inspiration! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Well, you've got to understand, Superman-- Alfred comes from a line of "gentlemen's gentlemen!" He has generations of tradition to maintain! To call me anything else would offend his sense of what is proper! It doesn't mean he's any less of a friend, though! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Besides, I have a real problem to worry about! Ma Muder was released from prison this morning! She's been there twenty years and I doubt she's reformed. She's as mad as the Joker and potentially as dangerous! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Maybe it isn't really fun to be robbed The Joker but it sure was fun catching him! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 ' Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 ' Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 No, O'Quarious, these kids are not the problem... it's us and our middle-class hang-ups! It is we who should learn from them! If there is any hope in this crazy, messed-up mudball of ours, it lies with the kids! They possess the wisdom of the truly ignorant! They are our future! Look at them and learn, O'Quarious! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I brought that young man up as if he were my own son, Alfred! I was impressed with Dick's intelligence and skill at an early age... with his eagerness to learn... I was impressed enough to make him my partner... enough to let him strike out on his own! I'm not impressed by the accomplishments of Batgirl or Robin anymore... I've come to expect them! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 We have no need to bargain... we could end your entire race with a few more volts... but we won't. Just remember that we could. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 You've done the same for me... and even if you hadn't, you're no good to me dead. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 If that's the way you feel, fine. Effective immediately... the Outsiders are dissolved. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 ... It's fact, sir -- The Blackhawks are washed-up has-beens, out of date antiques, a danger to national security! To put it bluntly ... They just don't swing! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 They are good soldiers. And like all good soldiers...they have to learn to adapt. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 At least they sent Beta and not VHS. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 You aren't any Terrible Trio I recognize! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 You're everything I could possibly want in a woman... beautiful, intelligent, loyal! If I was anyone else, I'd cherish you for the rest of my life! But I can't consider our marriage real! I have a mission and you'd keep me from doing what I must! So, forgive me Talia! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 You may not recall it, but today is the anniversary of your arrival on Earth from the planet Krypton! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Let's hope the reward we claimed will some day be the reward of everyone-- the hand of friendship between all people everywhere! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Another crook who wants to make himself a reputation by outsmarting me! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Here on your planet, I become like my friend Superman on Earth. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I had not shed a single tear in my parent's memory since their funeral. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 The Riddler gave us clues, but we didn't tumble to them! -- My faith in human nature is restored! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 In a way, it's lucky that the Batman can't bring you in... because Bruce Wayne is the one to grieve for his butler... and Bruce Wayne gets the best wherever he goes! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I've heard the cries of the dying... and the mourning... the victims of crime and injustice... I swore I'd do everything in my power to avenge those deaths... to protect innocent lives... and if I fail to keep that promise... my entire life is a lie! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 What do you mean-- "real identity?" Is the Batman any less real than Bruce Wayne? Aren't they both absolutely real? Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 True, the police can't interrogate you without counsel... that's one reason I'm not a policeman! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 The Batman seldom enjoys himself! I'm certain he envies those who can lead peaceful lives! He's driven… he's burdened with a compulsion to battle crime! It isn't pretty-- it's simply what he does… what he needs to do! Don't pity him-- but don't condemn him either! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I've heard there's no hope in Crime Alley, Miss Thompkins-- that's wrong! You and those like you... you're the hope of Crime Alley-- maybe the only hope our tormented civilization has left! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Vigilantism is an idea, not a person-- a sick, deadly dangerous idea! And ideas don't die-- not unless people want them to-- and sometimes, not even then! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Hello again. Beware... forever. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I've become two people... a crime-fighter by day-- a thief by night! I've become a menace to society... I must give myself up to the police! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 You know how it is with Batman... When his job's done, he disappears! But if you ever need him, I'm sure he'll be around! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Save the humor until we're home-free, Robin... and remember everything I've ever taught you. This is death we face... NOW! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Anton Knight-- once known as the Thief-of-Night and now as Night-Slayer-- is not the Batman... I AM. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 ...I think that costume is making you reckless-- Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 ...Remember that the mind often turns a blind eye on reality, favoring the darkness of what it wants to see. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Deduction had little to do with solving this Commissioner... it was mostly luck! Aye, the luck o' the Irish! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Use your common sense, Robin! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Members of the jury, we are here to seek the answer to a transcendent question: Who killed the Batman? -- and to bestow full honor and recognition for this glorious achievement! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Ordinarily, I'd enjoy a kiss from a beautiful woman! But after I've seen you hungry to kill... Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 There's not enough water in that stream to wash the guilt from anyone who presumes to take the life of another--! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I hope that-- the whole rest of my life, I never again have to go chase myself! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I'm sick of "citizens" who want us to save them from life's hard realities. "Let someone else do it... let the Police handle it... I'm afraid... it's dangerous." It turns my stomach. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 You've won rounds one and two, Croc... but round three is going to be mine! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I had planned to tell Lana your identity... But now I don't even want to know it myself! At present I'm too young to be trusted with your secret! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Enough, you two! I've had enough! You've ruined everything with your kooky romanticism! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I'm always glad to be of help-- in any way or whatever-- to Batman! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I believe in "The Hammer of Hell"-- and the things it can say to audiences about the nature-- and folly-- of war! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 The Batman NEVER uses a gun! He uses only the decent weapons of outrage and indignation to bring criminals to justice! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Clark's spending time with Babs will do Superman some good... It'll loosen him up from that "world-saver" image he's always having to live up to! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Lois sure deserves that super-kiss! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Poor Gordon! He really is getting too old! They did him a favor...retiring him before he becomes decrepit! Hope someone does the same when my time comes! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I want to make sure that the world doesn't forget! Alfred deserves a fine tribute-- a memorial! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Odd, Robin! We've seldom done less deduction on a case! It seems to me that mainly we had to think fast and act fast-- Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 When I was in that trap and fully awake-- then I knew it was do or die! That I just had to beat it! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 If you let people know you like them-- they'll like you! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 The Joker may be a dangerous criminal, Robin-- but he's a clown at heart! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 You'll be hearing from me, Commissioner... when I have something to say! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 For amateurs, you've been diabolically clever! Seldom have any criminals caused me such grief! You've deceived me... humiliated me--! The trouble is... I tend not to stay deceived and humiliated! Men like you are driven by greed! I have a stronger motivation! I hate crime... hate it with every fiber of my being!
Even in a word as confused and uncertain as ours, justice still exists-- and whether through me or through the machinery of civilization-- the law-- justice triumphs!

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 My business is my pleasure! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 All right, mister whoever-you-are, you've been asking for a war-- and now you have one! And it's a war only one of us will survive!! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 After Killer Frost and her friends explained what you'd done-- And where and how we could find you-- We thought it might be nice for us to have a little chat. Please-- Don't come quietly! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 He made all the hits-- and we made all the errors! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 He's too tough for Batman... but not for Bruce Wayne! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I was thinking of how cute Poison Ivy is-- I hate to put such a beautiful doll behind bars! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Here's where I cloud up and rain all over you, Weather Wizard! I'm in a stormy mood myself, you see! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I've begun it -- the war with Ra's al Ghul! -- The war only one of us can survive. On his side, dozens of trained soldiers -- assassins -- And on mine, a reluctant scientist, a superstitious bandit, and a dead gangster. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Outsider-- I'm going to get you-- if it's the last thing I ever do! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 All of us have deep buried fears! Me too! But I'm not going to give into those fears! Give them an inch-- and they want a mile! That's the way fears are! Got to fight them-- like we fight crime itself! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 You lead the Titans well, Robin -- I guess even the teacher can learn from his pupil... his former pupil! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I'd sacrifice any of you -- and myself -- before I'd let one innocent be harmed. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 He told you what you wanted to hear, so you could do what you wanted to do... commit "acts of war" against innocents who'd never hurt you in the least! And as long as men rationalize injustice... my war -- the Outsiders' war -- will never reach an end! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I want to tell you that I'm proud of you. Sometimes I realize my war on crime is unwinnable... but at times like this, I honestly believe we can do it -- that we'll see a day when there's an end to crime, to suffering, to injustice... and on that day, none of us will need masks anymore... on that day, none of us will be Outsiders...! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 The Flash... dead... and it's all my fault! I should have stopped him -- locked him up if necessary! Those fiends... they knew he was ill, and deliberately ran him to death! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 All right, Deadman! I know you're here...! Listen! I'll take your case...I'll help you find your killer! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Come with me, all of you. You've nothing to return to... you're all looking for something, and I can help you find it... whether it's the proper way to use your powers... or who you really are... or simply some kind of purpose in your lives! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 So suddenly you turn all goody-goody! Kind of late, baby, isn't it? Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 We heroes without super-powers have to improvise, G.L.! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 A convention of robots from all over the world! What's next? Robots voting?... or running for office? Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I hereby accept the office of United States Senator. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I'm no longer haunted by my orphaned childhood... Killing my past by finally putting the ghosts of my parents to rest has freed me! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Talk to me-- keep me asleep. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I hate people who know they know it all! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I haven't got money to throw away! What do you think I am-- a millionaire? Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 It could have been fatal to me--if I didn't have such super friends-- And I mean both of you! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Maybe I'll even grow a beard...to keep away from my shaving mirror! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 No! No! I'm Bruce Wayne! You're Clark Kent -- and Superman too! Has everyone gone crazy? Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Robin! What have I done to you? Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 He's a great dog! It was he who really saved us! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I had a hunch this would happen! That's why I brought along invention number two -- suction shoes for walking up the sides of buildings! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Come on, Robin! I want to use my muscles again! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 We did it! Kathy and I got married! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Ha, Ha... They'll never make a lap dog out of Bat Hound! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Let's hope that no one ever names another baby Batman! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 What we need is a remote-controlled eye that can move swiftly and scan everything! We'll have to build one. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 That's the way it would be! There'd always be a Batman! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 So gangland is now calling me a baby! Well, I'll dress like a baby, and prove them that I'm still a crime-fighter-- as Bat-Baby! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 We can't thank you enough, Alfred! I guess we had lost sight of our original purposes! We're grateful to you for reminding us! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Got to face up to it--no matter how it hurts! From now on, everything is going to be different--it has to be... Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 How ironic! The Batman magazine is so popular — I can’t find a copy — to save my life! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 It's an awful slim lead, but I'll grab at straws when Gotham's drowning! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 More bad jokes? I'm running out of verbal comebacks -- and time. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 There's no hiding place from Batman-- even on cloud-nine! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 The day a case is too small for the Batman is the day I hang up my cowl! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Seems like every creep I go against has a walking tub of suet whose brains are in his knuckles! They huff and puff and swing... work up a lot of sweat making like brawlers when they probably couldn't whip orphan Annie! Eventually I get tired of their antics... or maybe I feel sorry for them! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 He couldn’t destroy me in life … he can’t harm my image … in death! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I don't die that easily... Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I'm hunted-- an outlaw! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Ra's al Ghul is... dead?! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 No! Don't leave! The world needs you! Will you help? Will you come out of retirement? Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 The Batman's frightening image scares the guilty...not the innocent! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 That stinking rat decoyed me... set me up like an amateur! I've been jobbed! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 The serving girl...! Her movements -- fluid as quicksilver... unmistakably graceful -- and the voice like sun-warmed honey! It's her! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I'd like to pound your rotten bones to dust... but there's been too much violence already! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Scared, Scarecrow?-- Didn't you know I strike terror in the hearts of criminals? Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 You kept telling me to kill you, Spook-- but I won't do it! You're not going to die-- you'll just wish you were dead! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I don't work against the police-- nor do I work for the police... or with the police! I work alone! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Bad taste in clothing is the least of your crimes, mister... Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Whenever I meet a woman I can care for, she's an enemy! And that's my curse! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Save 'em Joker! As Queen Victoria remarked... "we are not amused"! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I'll find him! Even if he's on the moon-- Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Uncle Batman Wants You! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Alfred, every so often I find myself wondering if this crusade of mine means anything. I wonder if it makes any difference. And, if truth can be told, there are times I despair for want of an answer! But then... times like this justify all the horrors and all the hells. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Get off me-- you lunatic! What you're pretending to be isn't real-- it isn't-- my God... ...blood... Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 There are still unanswered questions... But what else can it be except an insane terrorist conspiracy to blow up-- pulverize!-- the Panama Canal. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 You won't die, Selina-- I'll see to that! You can't die-- you're the woman Bruce Wayne loves! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 And on behalf of us all-- Welcome Home! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 What makes people like the Kite-Man do the things they do? Why do some children never grow up? Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 You'll never make it in the underworld wearing those threads, anyway...Burger King will sue you for trademark infringement! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 The Riddler isn't interested in anyone-- except himself! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 ... die, Commissioner! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Alfred, the day I can't handle a punk like Boomerang alone is the day I hang up my cowl! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 The Egyptian Cat-God Exhibition at the museum was stolen earlier tonight---the perfect sort of crime for the Catwoman! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I choose hell, and to hell with you! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I'll find a cure, Langstrom! And when I do, I'll bring you to your daughter... so you can see her, hold her... and that you'll know -- the future still lives -- and you still have hope! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I also believe-- that free speech should be available to anyone willing to listen. Like me. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Thank you, Dick... for all the years... for everything. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 We are responsible for each other. You hurt me by leaving Gotham... I hurt you by starting up with Vicki. Life can take people in opposite directions. It's not fair. It's the way things are. Neither of us intended the hurt we gave. But for the hurt I gave you, Selina, I'm sorry... Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I suppose the only ones who don't like to be scared are criminals-- because they secretly know they deserve it. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 You succeeded, Black Mask. All trace of Roman Sionis has been obliterated... and you've masked yourself for life. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Sometimes being a loner gets lonely. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Bright snow does hamper my camouflage. I'm built for the night. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 In the beginning, Gordon, perhaps he really did have two sides, one good and one evil, but his evil side has steadily grown stronger over the years-- eating away the good man who was once District Attorney Harvey Dent. He's the most tragic foe I've ever faced, Gordon, and I still feel as I always have. Short of capital punishment, the only way to put an end to Two-Face's evil is to reach the good side of Harvey Dent trapped inside-- and free it. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Listen to me, Dent! You're making the wrong choice! You don't have to succumb to evil just because half your face was ruined! You were once a good man! Then you turned half-good and half-evil... but now you're turning all evil! Don't you see? That proves you can go the other way too! You can return to being Harvey Dent again! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Can what they say be true--? Am I really just an inhuman instrument of violence--? Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 This is my city, Royal--the best in the country, and maybe in the world, in spite of the rats that live here! I've sworn to keep it clean of rats! That's my right! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Langstrom! What mad cravings made you go this far? Man-Bat was evil enough! But now... a Vampire-Bat? Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 It's about time you dropped the pretense-- and stood for what you truly are-- Ra's al Ghul's League of Assassins... Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I have been beaten. I have been shot. I've been subjected to fists and bullets and rockets and dynamite-- in order to save your life-- and you dare... you dare refuse to have it saved? I could make you come! I could hit you and carry you out and I want to! I've never wanted to do anything more! But I won't... God help me, I will not! If I believe anything, it's that each man is responsible for his own choices! Goodbye, reverend! Enjoy your martyrdom! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I made a promise on the graves of my parents-- to battle evil in all forms, no matter what the cost-- and that's one promise I won't break, old friend-- even if it costs me my life! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I never have nightmares! I give nightmares! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 You picked a bad night to tangle with me, little man... a real bad night! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Attention... Maxie Zeus-- this is the Batman! Despite all your cleverness, you failed! I'm not dead-- and I'm laughing at you! You're a paltry excuse for a God... unable to defeat a mere mortal like me! You're probably ashamed to face me! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 The trick to avoiding bullets-- is not to be where they're going! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 We'll have a long talk someday soon, Wayne-- about the chance that brought you here! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 You actually want me-- Bruce Wayne, number one playboy of the jet set-- to convince someone like Batman to turn himself in? Outrageous! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 You might say that, Alfred... I've been shot. I'm at someplace called Hotel Dolan, Can you pick me up? Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I have needs now, Alfred -- Dirty, horrible needs -- Needs I can't control! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 You're no God Zeus-- just a sorry little psychopath with delusions of grandeur! Nobody worships you punk-- they pity you! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Lately, I've allowed the Foundation to rule my life. I've lost sleep-- spent hours pouring over obscure reports-- wasted my energies on business that had nothing to do with my lifetime goals. In a word, I'm exhausted. That's why I'm resigning my position as Chief Executive Officer of both the Foundation and Wayne Enterprises. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Alfred-- I never joke. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I may not have as many lives as a cat, Blake... but I'm just as hard to kill as you are. Maybe a little more so. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 This is it, Man-Bat! You've gone too far! No more will I treat you with kid gloves simply because I feel sorry for you! You've crossed the line-- and I'm coming after you with blood in my eyes! Do you hear me, Man-Bat? I'm going to kill you!! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I possess and control more money than any thousand people could reasonably spend in very long lifetimes. - It means nothing to me. I wouldn't shed a single tear if it all vanished this very second. Yet for one solid hour this afternoon... after they came and took Jason away from me... I broke down and wept. Money is fine gentlemen, but it isn't real. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 When I was the beast, I wasn't all that different from what I am when I do my job! Maybe a certain amount of brutality-- Of ruthlessness-- Is necessary-- In the task I'm driven to do! But it must be tempered with mercy... With humanity! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I'm not even going to ask what this is all about! Weird extraterrestrials are your department--! Me-- I just catch bad guys! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Terra-Man made a fool out of me-- On television! By nightfall, every crook in the country will have heard about it! If they think I can be taken so easily, it'll make my job a lot harder! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 What kind of contest is that? I may be the Batman, but I'm still just an ordinary human! But he's one-of-a-kind! He's Superman, blast it--! Superman!! The whole world needs him! And besides... He's my friend. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Much as I dislike stating the obvious, even to myself-- This weather is impossible! Gotham's been hit by late winter storms before, but never this late and never this bad. And since the National Weather Service can't find any natural cause for it, that leads to one inescapable conclusion! Somewhere, someone is doing this deliberately! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I can't believe it! Superman... may be dead! And now Scarr has some of the most powerful weapons in the universe! How can I possibly defeat his whole army... Alone? Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Just thinking... Superman, just thinking... With the Eldiran, I felt truly at peace with myself for the first time in my life, Superman! Will I ever feel that way again? Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Maybe so. I guess I'm afraid sometimes that if I slow down, something behind me... might... catch up with me... All my life I've pushed... driven... Denied myself anything that didn't directly apply to the goals I set for myself. Times like this make me see a glimmer... Of what I may have missed. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 From the deepest pit of Hell! At least that's where I'm planning to send them back to! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I'd hoped to explore a girl named Yumiko, tonight, but she's gone... so instead I'm exploring a cave in search of Yumiko. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 But it's not the act of giving material wealth to people that really helps them... I know. I'm rich-- It doesn't satisfy emotional needs. You've got to give them something more, Superman... An example to live by, a symbol to show them how they can make their own lives worth something to themselves! To a degree, you've done that, just being yourself, and so have I. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Superior beings don't slaughter innocents! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Not so strange! 'The guilty flee where none pursueth!' Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Yeah, a lot of people are taking the easy way out these days. Call me, Superman... When you decide you can make the hard decisions. When the villains aren't so easily defined... And justice is harder to serve. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 We can't condone their methods-- but we can't condemn them for their goals... Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Superman-- Hurt? He's half-dead... Yet he climbed the tree anyway! Even though we've been quarreling lately... I've never been prouder to be his friend! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 What I said when I quit the Justice League keeps coming back to me: I've heard the cries of the dying... And the mourning... The victims of crime and injustice... I swore I'd do everything in my power to avenge those deaths... To protect innocent lives... And if I fail to keep that promise... My entire life is a lie! Zeta, look carefully at this man. Here he stands, stripped of his super-powers... But he's right! Think about what he said-- Because it's true! If you choose death and destruction over the good of life-- Then no matter how strong you are, how all-powerful... He'll still be your superior! And you'll always know it... Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Superman, well he's seen a lot of things. He's encountered wonders we'd never find if we spent our whole lives away and searching. He's seen the Earth rise while standing in the tail of a streaking comet and shadowboxed with starfighters that could shatter a sun. He's walked on worlds the size of a thumb-print... and worlds made of water that broke at his touch into a thousand glistening droplets. Stars that scream and stars that sing and stars that think. He knows them all. We dream that we may someday catch a falling star... he's done it. Does that answer your question? Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 People nowadays are all too ready to link being wealthy with being crooked! As if the two just naturally walked hand in hand! I'm here to say it isn't so! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Unpleasant facts are never easy to accept. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 You wouldn't have to be thanking me now... if you'd handled the situation a little differently than you always do... flying right into the thick of things. You're faster than a speeding bullet... slow down... and use that super-brain once in a while. The night... the shadows... those are my domain. The backstreets and back alleys... they're my territory. Leave them to an expert. The world almost lost Superman... because of his foolish impetuosity. I'll save your neck any time... but I won't write your epitaph. Think about it. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 He -- he's dead! Robin is dead! He sacrificed himself for me on this alien world! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 He's alive! Superman's alive -- Now I've got something to fight for -- Kor-El's tyranny will soon end! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 They'll find no gold at the end of this rainbow... only prison. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I'm trapped-- trapped in giant size! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Batman, Junior helped me in that one case only-- and, after all, there's only one Robin! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I can't remember-- can't remember anything! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Dick, when that bat flew into my room, it must have prodded my subconscious memory of my father's costume! Now I realize I adopted a Batman costume because I remembered my father wearing one! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I'm Bruce Wayne! Batman is Bruce Wayne! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Robin, I must tell you the truth! I'm afraid of anything that resembles a bat... Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Dick-- there's one thing I learned while I was Barney Warren. There'll never be another Robin! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Just as I suspected! That comet gave me super-strength! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 The machine-- bathing me in an eerie light... infusing me with lines of force! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Sorry to mix business with pleasure, Catwoman, but it is the cross borne by those who work nights. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Well, I don't think Janis Joplin would appreciate being called "Batty," either... Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Worst night of my life, Alfred. Absolutely, without a doubt, the most miserable night of my life. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Even if there are good shortcuts as well as bad ones, by definition they're all off the beaten track... and there's usually good reason why most people don't take them. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Never dreamed it would come to this... That to save the world, I must kill my greatest friend, Superman! Nobody's sadder than I am, fella... But it must be done! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 There, Scarns... Our gallery of enemies! The people who have caused us the most trouble! All candidates for the morgue! Bruce Wayne's statue has been draped in a black shroud... Because he's dead! You did a good job when you knocked off Wayne! But now, I want you to "hit"... Superman's pal... Jimmy Olsen! But you won't have all the fun! I'm reserving that punk... Batman's sidekick... for myself! While you take care of Olsen, I'll nail Robin! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Er... On our world, we hunters name ourselves after our trapping regions! I'm from the land of Bat... My partner's from the land of Super! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Where there's smoke, pal, there's fire... And where there's darkness, there's the Batman! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Hated to trick Superman... But I couldn't let Dr. Lucas sacrifice himself! He means too much to his family... The universe...! As Batman, I've had a full life... In fact, two full lives when you're considering my Bruce Wayne identity! Well, it was fun-- And fury! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 What does it mean? The head shrinks say dreams are a way of working out problems... But I can't figure this particular nightmare! Well, no sense trying to get back to sleep... Time for the Bat to fly! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 All right! I have to shield him! That murdering madman... is my own brother!! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Goodbye, Thomas... my brother! Your tragic life is over... your sick soul is finally at peace! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Superman, help me... HELP ME! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Nice try, Composite Superman... Or should I say Joe Meach? Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 We've been a team from the early days, Superman... And there's no need to start worrying about each other's safety now! Stop worrying about grown men who can take care of themselves! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 There's your reason out there! Superman and I have been friends for a long, long time-- The World's Finest! We're a team! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I could stand it to be inferior to you, but I can't forgive your tricking me... making me a fake hero! I'm through with you Superman... for good! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 It all seems like a dream now! Do you suppose maybe a whiff of that gas made us imagine we crossed time? Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 It's no dream... what I suspected is true! We're not on our own Earth at all! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 If we've offended you, Zatanna, we apologize... but we honestly believe you'd want election to the League! After all, we worked well together, during your search for your father, the Magician Zatara-- and as Wonder Woman indicated once, the League is in sore need of more women to balance our rolls! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 We made a series of mistakes... and it almost cost us our lives! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Whatever scientific knowledge I have, it's the knowledge of a dilettante! I'm no expert, like Ray Palmer or Katar Hol! I'm a detective, a synthesist, a practical scientist, if anything... And this is a job for a theoretical genius! Still... It's my job, and I can't escape it just by wishing! I'm the Leaguer on monitor duty... And that makes it my responsibility, since I can't contact the others... And if I've learned anything in my years as a crimefighter... It's that a man can do whatever he must do. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 You've made a fool of yourself, haven't you? But that's not surprising. It's what you do best. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Luck has nothing to do with it, Dr. Fate. Simple mathematics. Another crisis was simply against the odds! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Never mind repairing the Batplane now, Superman. The bigger problem is Lois Lane's discovery of your identity. -- Wait! Suppose we confused her! Suppose she were now to discover that Bruce Wayne is Superman! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Why, Superman-- even Robin could have figured something out! Just dig into your brain, old pal! Or-- have I underestimated you? Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 You make it almost too easy, Superman! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 If it's the last thing we ever do, we must beat Superman! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 What the princess really means, strong-boy, is that she prefers my company... so why don't you just take off? Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 We all have our violent sides... and our gentle ones. We all hate... and we all love! If we deny either side... we die a little inside. It's called being human. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I can't help being who or what I am! I'm sorry if that upsets you -- but I didn't ask to come here! You think it's fun, being in a world where an older version of yourself has died? Try facing your own mortality like that sometime, Robin! It's not very pleasant! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Jack? Do me a favor? Don't call me "BATS"! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 By God, Joker-- you've done your last criminal act! I swear this time to hunt you down and destroy you like the mad dog you are!! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Nations, like men who live in mistrust and fear, end up destroying each other! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I used to do that kind of thing... until I realized it was hurting my crime fighting! Crooks begin to lose their fear of The Batman if he's too much of a public figure! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I'm the best I've been in days, Helena... because I've just realized that the Batman existed for more reasons than fighting crime... he exists to spare others the loss I felt when my parents died-- Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 We were given a clean green world as a gift! This is what happens when we don't take care of it! The world will become a junkyard! Each generation is the guardian of this planet-- passing it on to the next-- that's you! You're the future-- the world belongs to you! I'm not going to stand here and watch you being ripped off! - Clean up your own backyard and you can clean up a planet! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Life's a grim joke, Ragman--! Either we laugh ai it-- or cry unheard! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 I'm a detective. And I'm good at what I do. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 All right, that's enough! Look at yourself feeling sorry for yourself! Is this how your parents trained you? Would they want you to deny your abilities, to refuse to use them to help mankind... because your life isn't perfect? Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 If you didn't deserve this now... you will soon. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 You're good, mister-- But now your time has come! You finally pushed your luck too far! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 The most important historic find of the century-- And they rip it apart and make off with the remains like jackals fighting over a carcass! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Guess the pirate and his crew have set sail! And left me "permanently" locked up! Ha! They should know better! Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 ... I've the feeling it's not going to end well. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Your bereavement needn't destroy you. In time it can even make you stronger. But all that starts with one thing: acceptance. He's gone. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

Quote1 Like the earth he sprang from, he deserved our respect. Perhaps even our love. But he's gone... and as ever, it's futile to speculate on what might have been. Quote2

--Bruce Wayne (Earth-One)

All items (248)
