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I've been waiting like, a year, for your explanations! And please don't "young lady" me. I already have a mother and, oh look, there she is over there!
Youth? My mom isn't young, Diana! She's, like, way over thirty!
I think she should call herself "Diana Princess".
Don't call me that, Diana! People might hear you! Call me... Wonder Girl!!
Hey, Mr. Zeus! 'Scuse me, your godship, but I need to talk to you!
I just know, that's all. Diana's not going to die. She can't ...
Which one are you? Bat-girl? Bat-woman? Bat-hound?
I'm looking for my dad. I think you may be him.
I… I can't die! I… I have midterms! I crammed for them! It can't all have been a waste!
We do this to help people, right? Save lives. So even if we die saving one -- it's worth the trade-off. Right?
Raven, you're an emotional vampire.
What did you do after Superboy died? You ran away. You went on a trip around the world with Batman. You left me all alone. And now I'm supposed to come back to the Titans because you "need" me? I've spent the last year learning how to not need anyone.
You all have my word that the men who killed my little brother, Bart will pay for this! They'll rot in Hell for what they've done and it still won't be good enough. Not by a long shot!
All we ever do is try to help. We never do though, do we? That's not true. We're useless -- you hear me? Useless. We don't know what we're doing! We never knew what we were doing! So full of ourselves -- so sure! We got two people murdered! Stupid, inept children, running around pretending to be heroes.
This tower is more than the Teen Titans' home. It's a place where people like you can feel safe. We don't just fight bad guys, we take care of our own.
Diana and Artemis are experts in almost every art and science known to man, but this is the one area they CAN'T tutor me in.
Wonder Woman Vol 2 126 -
Teen Titans Vol 3 34 -
Adventure Comics Vol 2 2 -
Wonder Woman Vol 2 122 -
Countdown Vol 1 43 -
Titans/Young Justice: Graduation Day Vol 1 3 -
Wonder Woman Vol 2 153 -
Wonder Woman Vol 2 166
All items (17)