This is our collection of comic issues inked by Cliff Richards.
If you find an issue in the database that is not shown here, please edit that issue adding "Cliff Richards" as one of the inkers.
If you find an issue in the database that is not shown here, please edit that issue adding "Cliff Richards" as one of the inkers.
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All items (119)
- Batman Vol 1 703
- Batman/Superman Vol 1 15
- Batman/Superman Vol 1 25
- Batman/Superman Vol 1 26
- Batman/Superman: Futures End Vol 1 1
- Batman/Superman: Second Chance (Collected)
- Batman/Superman: Siege (Collected)
- Batman/Superman: Truth Hurts (Collected)
- Batman: Bruce Wayne - The Road Home (Collected)
- Batman: Gotham Shall Be Judged (Collected)
- Batman: Time and the Batman (Collected)
- Birds of Prey Vol 3 12
- Birds of Prey: Your Kiss Might Kill (Collected)
- Bruce Wayne: The Road Home: Batman and Robin Vol 1 1
- Catwoman Vol 4 19
- Catwoman Vol 4 27
- Catwoman: Race of Thieves (Collected)
- Convergence: Aquaman Vol 1 1
- Convergence: Aquaman Vol 1 2
- Convergence: Green Lantern/Parallax Vol 1 2
- Convergence: Zero Hour Book Two (Collected)
- Cyborg Vol 1 6
- Cyborg Vol 2 12
- Cyborg Vol 2 15
- Cyborg Vol 2 18
- Cyborg Vol 2 19
- Cyborg Vol 2 20
- Cyborg: Danger in Detroit (Collected)
- Justice League Vol 2 23.2: Lobo
- Justice League Odyssey Vol 1 13
- Justice League Odyssey Vol 1 14
- Justice League Odyssey Vol 1 15
- Justice League Odyssey Vol 1 16
- Justice League Odyssey Vol 1 18
- Justice League Odyssey Vol 1 19
- Justice League Odyssey Vol 1 20
- Justice League Odyssey Vol 1 22
- Justice League Odyssey Vol 1 24
- Justice League Odyssey Vol 1 25
- Savage Hawkman Vol 1 7
- Savage Hawkman: Darkness Rising (Collected)
- Shazam! Vol 2 1
- The Shield Vol 1 8
- Sideways Annual Vol 1 1
- Sideways: Rifts and Revelations (Collected)
- Stormwatch Vol 3 13
- Stormwatch Vol 3 14
- Stormwatch Vol 3 15
- Suicide Squad Vol 4 3
- Suicide Squad Vol 4 13
- Suicide Squad Vol 4 19
- Suicide Squad Most Wanted: El Diablo and Amanda Waller Vol 1 5
- Suicide Squad Most Wanted: El Diablo and Amanda Waller Vol 1 6
- Suicide Squad Most Wanted: El Diablo and Boomerang Vol 1 1
- Suicide Squad Most Wanted: El Diablo and Boomerang Vol 1 2
- Suicide Squad Most Wanted: El Diablo and Killer Croc Vol 1 3
- Suicide Squad Most Wanted: El Diablo and Killer Croc Vol 1 4
- Suicide Squad: Basilisk Rising (Collected)
- Suicide Squad: Death is for Suckers (Collected)
- Suicide Squad: Kicked in the Teeth (Collected)
- Superman/Wonder Woman Vol 1 12
- Superman/Wonder Woman Vol 1 27
- Superman/Wonder Woman Annual Vol 1 1
- Superman/Wonder Woman: War and Peace (Collected)
- Superman: Doomed (Collected)