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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by David Clark (Quality Universe).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 What an ordeal... and what a hangover! Now, fork over the bean-shooter! Quote2

--David Clark (Quality Universe)

Quote1 RED FIRE! An acid vat!! Every morsel of FLESH eaten away! Now, the killer who killed th' killer has been killed !! Quote2

--David Clark (Quality Universe)

Quote1 That's funny! He doesn't look all bent and twisted, now! Quote2

--David Clark (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Yuck? Frank Yuck? There's something familiar about the name! Anyway, if Lili Dilly has been kidnapped, it's time for Midnight to step in! Quote2

--David Clark (Quality Universe)

Quote1 I've got an hour before the show starts! I just feel kind of jumpy! I'll take a walk! Quote2

--David Clark (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Sure, I know! You gave it away yourself when you put your royal ring on my finger! Thought you'd drown me AND the last the last bit of evidence that you're King Zoris, eh? Quote2

--David Clark (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Now, march by me, one at a time, and deposit ALL your money in this hat !! Quote2

--David Clark (Quality Universe)

Quote1 What's wrong with us? B.O. or halitosis? Quote2

--David Clark (Quality Universe)

All items (8)
