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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Diana of Paradise Island (Super Friends).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 You've tried your thing, Dick-- Now let me try mine! Quote2

--Diana of Paradise Island (Super Friends)

Quote1 We Amazons used to ride giant kangas on Paradise Island! Quote2

--Diana of Paradise Island (Super Friends)

Quote1 You'll learn that sometimes being on time is more important than being powerful! Quote2

--Diana of Paradise Island (Super Friends)

Quote1 You're out of your alien mind if you think we would surrender our planet without a fight! Quote2

--Diana of Paradise Island (Super Friends)

Quote1 Thunderbolts of Zeus! He's vanishing! But how --? Quote2

--Diana of Paradise Island (Super Friends)

All items (5)
