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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Diana of Themyscira (Tempest Tossed).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 When the rules are wrong you have to break them. Especially when little ones are in trouble. Mothers Five keep the children alive. Quote2

--Diana of Themyscira (Tempest Tossed)

Quote1 Raissa is cranky when she wakes up, but she has a good heart. Quote2

--Diana of Themyscira (Tempest Tossed)

Quote1 Steve's a diplomat and Trevor's a doctor. Quote2

--Diana of Themyscira (Tempest Tossed)

Quote1 Aphrodite, grant me the beauty of a pure heart. Help me be a compassionate Amazon. Quote2

--Diana of Themyscira (Tempest Tossed)

Quote1 Artemis, grant me the power of your hunt. Help me be a skilled Amazon. Quote2

--Diana of Themyscira (Tempest Tossed)

Quote1 Hestia, grant your protection to all of Themyscira. Help me be a worthy Amazon. Quote2

--Diana of Themyscira (Tempest Tossed)

Quote1 Demeter, grant me the strength of your Earth. Help me be a true Amazon. Quote2

--Diana of Themyscira (Tempest Tossed)

Quote1 Athena, grant me your wisdom. Help me be a good Amazon. Quote2

--Diana of Themyscira (Tempest Tossed)

All items (8)
