This page contains a listing of all known Characters created by E. Nelson Bridwell.
If you find a Character created by this person and it is not shown here, please edit that character's page by adding "E. Nelson Bridwell" as a Creator.
If you find a Character created by this person and it is not shown here, please edit that character's page by adding "E. Nelson Bridwell" as a Creator.
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All items (346)
- Abyss (New Earth)
- Albrecht von Mannheim (New Earth)
- Amazoo (Earth-C-Minus)
- Angel and the Ape
- Angel Fish (Earth-Twelve)
- Angel O'Day (Earth-16)
- Angel O'Day (New Earth)
- Angel O'Day (Prime Earth)
- Angel O'Day (The Brave and the Bold)
- Aquaduck (Earth-C-Minus)
- Ar-Go (Earth-One)
- Arel (New Earth)
- Aristides Demetrios (New Earth)
- Aristides Demetrios (Prime Earth)
- Aristides Demetrios (Super Friends)
- Asmodeus (New Earth)
- Athena Tremor (Earth-16)
- Athena Tremor (New Earth)
- Athena Tremor (Prime Earth)
- August Durant (New Earth)
- August Durant (Scooby-Doo Team-Up)
- Aurora (Earth-One)
- Barb-Ell (Earth-Twelve)
- Beatriz da Costa (Arrowverse)
- Beatriz da Costa (DC Legends)
- Beatriz da Costa (DC Super Hero Girls)
- Beatriz da Costa (DCAU)
- Beatriz da Costa (DCeased)
- Beatriz da Costa (Earth-22)
- Beatriz da Costa (Justice League Pilot)
- Beatriz da Costa (New Earth)
- Beatriz da Costa (Prime Earth)
- Beatriz da Costa (Super Friends)
- Beatriz da Costa (The Brave and the Bold)
- Bernal Rojas (New Earth)
- Bernal Rojas (Super Friends)
- Billy Gander (Earth-Twelve)
- Bizarra (DCAU)
- Bizarra (Earth 29)
- Bizarra (Lego Batman)
- Bizarra (Lego DC Heroes)
- Bizarro Amazo (Earth-One)
- Bizarro Joker (Earth-One)
- Bizarro Shaggy Man (Earth-One)
- Bizarro Wonder Woman (All-Star Superman)
- Bizarro Wonder Woman (Earth-508)
- Bizarro Wonder Woman (Earth-One)
- Blade (Earth-One)
- Blue Damsel Fly (New Earth)
- Bowman (Earth-Twelve)
- Boyd (Earth-C-Minus)
- Bragi (New Earth)
- Bur-El (Earth-One)
- Byno Algor (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Byron Williams (New Earth)
- Cableman (New Earth)
- Captain Swift (Earth-Twelve)
- Carlo di Rienzi (New Earth)
- Carlo di Rienzi (Scooby-Doo Team-Up)
- Chaim Lavon (New Earth)
- Chaim Lavon (Super Friends)
- Chain Lightning (Earth-S)
- Chain Master (New Earth)
- Charlie Chum (New Earth)
- Chauncey Berkeley (Earth-Twelve)
- Chick (Super Friends)
- Climate King (Earth-One)
- Cobweb Kid (Earth-Twelve)
- Coil (New Earth)
- Crash (Earth-C-Minus)
- Daniel Cormac (New Earth)
- Daniel Cormac (Prime Earth)
- Daniel Cormac (Super Friends)
- Danton Graeme (Super Friends)
- Darkstar (New Earth)
- Dean Egghead (Earth-Twelve)
- Decibel (New Earth)
- Devil's Dozen (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Diana Lyon (New Earth)
- Doctor Diabolical (Earth-Twelve)
- Doctor Dinosaur (Earth-Twelve)
- Doctor Mist (Powerless)
- Doctor Mist (Super Friends)
- Dora Keane (Earth-S)
- Dora Leigh (Prime Earth)
- Dorcas Leigh (Super Friends)
- Dreamdancer (Earth-S)
- Dumb-Ell (Earth-Twelve)
- Fedra Shu-El (Earth-One)
- Feline Faust (Earth-C-Minus)
- Feln (Earth-One)
- Fil-El (Earth-One)
- Fire Devil (New Earth)
- Firecracker I (New Earth)
- Firestork (Earth-C-Minus)
- Fort Rozz
- Frederick Nero (Earth-One)
- Freedom Brigade
- Freyja (New Earth)
- Frog Man (Earth-Twelve)
- Futurio (Super Friends)
- Futurio-XX (Super Friends)
- Gamester (Earth-S)
- Gilbert Jeffries (New Earth)
- Gina van Loren (Earth-Twelve)
- Gleek (Arrowverse)
- Gleek (Lil Gotham)
- Gleek (Prime Earth)
- Gleek (The Brave and the Bold)
- Global Guardians (New Earth)
- Global Guardians (Prime Earth)
- Global Guardians (Super Friends)
- Golden Web (New Earth)
- Gordon Page (Super Friends)
- Graustania
- Green Fury (Powerless)
- Green Lambkin (Duck Dodgers)
- Green Lambkin (Earth-C-Minus)
- Gregory Gruesome (Earth-Twelve)
- Hal-Vu (Earth-One)
- Harry McElhinney (Earth-Twelve)
- Hawkmoose (Earth-C-Minus)
- Herman Cramer (New Earth)
- Herman Cramer (Prime Earth)
- Hitpin (New Earth)
- Honeysuckle (Prime Earth)
- Honeysuckle (Super Friends)
- Hugh Dawkins (New Earth)
- Hugh Dawkins (Prime Earth)
- Hugh Dawkins (Super Friends)
- Humre Durgo (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Hyr-El (Earth-One)
- Im-El (Earth-One)
- Inferior Five (New Earth)
- Inferior Five (Prime Earth)
- Inferior Five (The Nail)
- Interplanetary Bank Beast Guards
- Invisible Invader (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Irish Autumns (Earth-Twelve)
- Isuma Yasunari (New Earth)
- Isuma Yasunari (Super Friends)
- Isuma Yasunari (The Brave and the Bold)
- Item (Earth-C-Minus)
- Izumi Yasunari (Flashpoint Timeline)
- Kal-El I (Earth-One)
- Kaleidoscope (New Earth)
- Kangar-Roo (Earth-C-Minus)
- Kil-Gor (Earth-One)
- King Brpxz (Arrowverse)
- King Savage (New Earth)
- King Savage (Scooby-Doo Team-Up)
- Kingslayer (Prime Earth)
- Kingslayer (Super Friends)
- Kit Dawn-Langman (New Earth)
- Kit Dawn-Langman (Scooby-Doo Team-Up)
- Kitten (Prime Earth)
- Kitten (Super Friends)
- Kly-Anth (Earth-One)
- Lady Liberty (Earth-Twelve)
- Leander Brent (New Earth)
- Leander Brent (Prime Earth)
- Lena the Lemur (Scooby-Doo Team-Up)
- Lenore Parris (Earth-16)
- Lex Lemur (Earth-C-Minus)
- Liang Xih-K'ai (New Earth)
- Liang Xih-K'ai (Super Friends)
- Lili de Neuve (New Earth)
- Lili de Neuve (Scooby-Doo Team-Up)
- Loana-El (DCAU)
- Louis Yagger (New Earth)
- Luau (Earth-Twelve)
- Lucifer Seven (Pre-Zero Hour)
- Lumiun (New Earth)