This is our collection of Earth-85 images.
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If you find an image in the database that is not shown here, please edit that image adding "Earth-85" as an image subject or universe. (usage help)
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All items (54)
- File:Absorbascon.jpg
- File:Albuquerque 0001.jpg
- File:Beautia Sivana Magnificus Sivana Earth-85 001.jpg
- File:Black Adam 0001.jpg
- File:Bruce Wayne 016.jpg
- File:Captain Marvel 0002.jpg
- File:Captain Nazi Lester Abernathy 001.jpg
- File:Catwoman The Tin Roof Club.jpg
- File:Corla Tavo.jpg
- File:Creature Commandos 005.jpg
- File:Dudley Batson Earth-85 001.jpg
- File:Fell Andar 01.jpg
- File:Glorious Godfrey Earth-85 001.jpg
- File:Honduras 001.jpg
- File:Hyathis Corporation 001.jpg
- File:Ibn al Xu'ffasch 001.jpg
- File:Ira Quimby 0002.jpg
- File:Joe Tracy 01.png
- File:Katar 02.jpg
- File:Katar 03.jpg
- File:Kite-Man 003.jpg
- File:Kite-Man 008.jpg
- File:Kite-Man 011.jpg
- File:Kraad 01.jpg
- File:Lee Harvey Oswald 0001.jpg
- File:Lucius Hunter 01.jpg
- File:Mavis Trent.jpg
- File:Melisande 0001.jpg
- File:Midway City Museum 001.jpg
- File:Mister Mind Earth-85 001.jpg
- File:Qayin 001.jpg
- File:Qayin 002.jpg
- File:Ra's al Ghul Brotherhood of the Bat 01.jpg
- File:Ron Morning 01.jpg
- File:Saturna 01.jpg
- File:Saturna 02.jpg
- File:Shade, the Changing Man 001.jpg
- File:Shadow War.jpg
- File:Shazam Earth-85 001.jpg
- File:Simon Magus 0002.jpg
- File:Stewart Frazier.jpg
- File:Talia al Ghul 0013.jpg
- File:Talia al Ghul Brotherhood of the Bat 001.jpg
- File:Tallant Wayne 001.jpg
- File:Tazzala 001.png
- File:Terra Arcana 01.jpg
- File:Thaddeus Sivana Earth-85 001.jpg
- File:Thanagar Ship 01.jpg
- File:Troll King 01.jpg
- File:Valcan 001.jpg
- File:Zatanna 016.jpg
- File:Zatanna 017.jpg
- File:Zatanna 018.jpg