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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Eclipso (New Earth).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 We are linked, from now until the very end of creation! Which, incidentally, should occur any day now! Quote2

--Eclipso (New Earth)

Quote1 Come, Elder One, it's time to be remembered. Quote2

--Eclipso (New Earth)

Quote1 I'm gonna smear your rotting carcasses on the moon! Quote2

--Eclipso (New Earth)

Quote1 It was the death of Donna Troy...that was when I truly felt the tide had turned. Quote2

--Eclipso (New Earth)

Quote1 Oh, there is a little of me in everybody! Quote2

--Eclipso (New Earth)

Quote1 We are linked, from now until the very end of creation! Which, incidentally, should occur any day now! Quote2

--Eclipso (New Earth)

Quote1 Give me what I want, Marvel... or I can fill the Grand Canyon with corpses. That's quite the image, isn't it? Quote2

--Eclipso (New Earth)

Quote1 Welcome usurper... or should I say brother? Quote2

--Eclipso (New Earth)

Quote1 And this time my revenge will be complete! This time I will plunge the Earth into Eternal Darkness! Quote2

--Eclipso (New Earth)

Quote1 Every time a man commits Murder, I am there... Wherever Pain is inflicted... wherever Rage is sated... there you will find me! Quote2

--Eclipso (New Earth)

Quote1 No. Eclipso. The boy and his beast are me! Their powers mine to command! Become The Demon, Jason Blood -- And die! Quote2

--Eclipso (New Earth)

Quote1 I will not rest until my Revenge is Complete! EVERYTHING DIES! Quote2

--Eclipso (New Earth)

Quote1 Shayera doesn't live here anymore. Quote2

--Eclipso (New Earth)

Quote1 What a noble sentiment. Is it any wonder we are mortal enemies? Quote2

--Eclipso (New Earth)

Quote1 What's happening to me? I... I'm being transformed... into someone greater, stronger... than that fool Bruce Gordon.! Quote2

--Eclipso (New Earth)

Quote1 You'll see nothing, Lantern – Not even your own untimely death— Quote2

--Eclipso (New Earth)

Quote1 They thought me dead... but I cannot die. Not as men can. Quote2

--Eclipso (New Earth)

All items (17)
