Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.
We are linked, from now until the very end of creation! Which, incidentally, should occur any day now!
Come, Elder One, it's time to be remembered.
I'm gonna smear your rotting carcasses on the moon!
It was the death of Donna Troy...that was when I truly felt the tide had turned.
Oh, there is a little of me in everybody!
We are linked, from now until the very end of creation! Which, incidentally, should occur any day now!
Give me what I want, Marvel... or I can fill the Grand Canyon with corpses. That's quite the image, isn't it?
Welcome usurper... or should I say brother?
And this time my revenge will be complete! This time I will plunge the Earth into Eternal Darkness!
Every time a man commits Murder, I am there... Wherever Pain is inflicted... wherever Rage is sated... there you will find me!
No. Eclipso. The boy and his beast are me! Their powers mine to command! Become The Demon, Jason Blood -- And die!
I will not rest until my Revenge is Complete! EVERYTHING DIES!
Shayera doesn't live here anymore.
What a noble sentiment. Is it any wonder we are mortal enemies?
What's happening to me? I... I'm being transformed... into someone greater, stronger... than that fool Bruce Gordon.!
You'll see nothing, Lantern – Not even your own untimely death—
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