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Look... who you were, you left stateside. You're lucky, you'll get to be that person again. In Easy, who we are now is all that matters. This war, you're gonna do some things the person you were might find damn hard to live with. So I'm doing him a favor, and leavin' 'im home.
No--A guy like Beanpole makes me proud to be in Easy!
Lt. Jeb Stuart's a real Reb cavalryman... He'll get you to a hospital quick!
I've been fightin' so long men look like tin soldiers to me!
Farmer Boy had faith... and he made somethin' grow where it never did before! So -- we should remember what we're fightin' for! To make things grow... not to tear 'em down
These Easy Joes are my good luck piece! Without them--and each other---none of our lives is worth a plugged nickel!
I guess Easy did all right without me, huh?
What you thought was an Achilles Heel--is our real strength! by watchin' out for our own...knowin' that each man's life is valuable to us all... we make ourselves that much stronger and better protected! These guys are the real soldiers...fightin' for the things valued by the whole world! That's a hard combination to beat!
Guess you could call her--The Luck of Easy!
There are some things that neither Rock nor Iron can stand up against!
Even a rock can crumble--almost!
Didn't anyone tell you only officers rate a salute?
Does anything ever change... between yesterday and today?
The hell with the war! The war can wait! We'll get you out of here, nurse!
When're we ever goin' to stop turnin' everythin' into...a graveyard?
War's a meat-grinder! Never can tell who'll be chopped-up...or...who'll come out soldiers!
I believe in Easy Company... an' the guys that make it up.
You don't have to call me "Sir." I work for a living.
I gotta admit that those smilin' faces mean more to me... than winnin' this war! Come to think of it--that's why we're fightin'!
Cap'n... a war's bad enough--but doin' it in a tight tin can is just too much for me! Y'gotta gimme sky!
It's a crazy war--when comic books can win a purple heart!
War's a bloody' a student learns the hard way! Fast!
Me an Easy'd been workin' point so long... the Brass finally let us "take ten" in a small village outside of Paris! A new replacement came in... lookin' like a brand-new unsharpened pencil!
Who ever says war makes sense?
This is our war. The one we're stuck with. The one we've gotta fight to a finish.
What a crazy war. A French nun payin' no heed... leadin' her kids in between kraut an' yank patrols.
Funny... friend an' foe fraternizin' in the same graveyard! Like I always said... it's a crazy war! It's been a long night... the longest!
The Iron Major tried to teach me that iron was stronger than flesh and blood! I had to prove him wrong!
We're going to make some friends and watch them die.
If you call me Frank again, I won't be held accountable for my actions.
No one fails who gave his best. You grew tall on this hill.
We haven't learned a thing...wars go on...only worse than before! Winter an' Summer... the killin' goes on!
North Africa...Sicily...Normandy...Bastogne...Arnheim...I'll remember every bleedin' minute of it...till the day I die!
It's gonna to be a long war, Easy.
You want to know what a "Red Badge of Courage" really is? It's a stain that every soldier gets on himself from every battle that won't come off. Believe you me... I'd trade anything to be forgotten in exchange for my forgetting what they want to remember me for.
Through a wet haze of pain, I saw the Amazon move. She moved so fast, she blurred... or maybe that was just my eyes. All I know is, she fought like a human whirlwind, jumping everywhere at once... and she won!
The medal can wait, sir! If the fightin's here--then here's where Easy's stayin'!
Easy's hooked up with more than its share of misfits and oddballs between fronts-- But somehow they always managed to pull their own weight and more when the goin' got tough! Now there's Tag-Along! If we get caught in an enemy TNT festival-- Will Tag-Along become a man of tin or a man of steel?
All items (41)
- Our Army at War Vol 1 101
- Our Army at War Vol 1 152
- Our Army at War Vol 1 193
- Our Army at War Vol 1 198
- Our Army at War Vol 1 202
- Our Army at War Vol 1 222
- Our Army at War Vol 1 249
- Our Army at War Vol 1 253
- Our Army at War Vol 1 262
- Our Army at War Vol 1 263
- Our Army at War Vol 1 273
- Our Army at War Vol 1 287
- Our Army at War Vol 1 295
- Our Army at War Vol 1 299
- Our Army at War Vol 1 300
- Sgt. Rock Vol 1 309
- Sgt. Rock Vol 1 314
- Sgt. Rock Vol 1 317
- Sgt. Rock Vol 1 399
- Sgt. Rock Vol 1 400
- Sgt. Rock Vol 1 402
- Sgt. Rock Vol 1 408
- Sgt. Rock Vol 1 409
- Sgt. Rock Vol 1 413
- Sgt. Rock Vol 1 414
- Sgt. Rock Vol 1 418
- Sgt. Rock Vol 1 421
- Sgt. Rock Vol 1 422
- Sgt. Rock Vol 2 16
- Sgt. Rock Special Vol 2 2
- Sgt. Rock: Between Hell and a Hard Place
- Sgt. Rock: The Lost Battalion Vol 1 2
- Sgt. Rock: The Lost Battalion Vol 1 6
- Sgt. Rock: The Prophecy Vol 1 6
- Suicide Squad Vol 2 2
- Suicide Squad Vol 2 4
- Superman Vol 2 173