This page contains a listing of all known appearances of the Freedom Fighters (Earth-X).
If you find an issue this team appears in that is not shown here, please edit that issue adding "Freedom Fighters (Earth-X)" in the cast variable field.
See Also: The Freedom Fighters (Earth-X) gallery
If you find an issue this team appears in that is not shown here, please edit that issue adding "Freedom Fighters (Earth-X)" in the cast variable field.
See Also: The Freedom Fighters (Earth-X) gallery
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All items (54)
- Cancelled Comic Cavalcade Vol 1 2
- Convergence Vol 1 8
- Convergence: Action Comics Vol 1 1
- Convergence: Aquaman Vol 1 1
- Convergence: Catwoman Vol 1 1
- Convergence: Plastic Man and the Freedom Fighters Vol 1 1
- Convergence: Plastic Man and the Freedom Fighters Vol 1 2
- Convergence: Speed Force Vol 1 1
- Convergence: Superman: The Man of Steel Vol 1 1
- Convergence: World's Finest Comics Vol 1 1
- Countdown Vol 1 46
- Crisis on Infinite Earths Vol 1 5
- Crisis on Infinite Earths Vol 1 6
- Crisis on Infinite Earths Vol 1 7
- Crisis on Infinite Earths Vol 1 9
- Crisis on Infinite Earths Vol 1 10
- Crisis on Infinite Earths Giant Vol 1 1
- Facsimile Edition: Crisis on Infinite Earths Vol 1 5
- Freedom Fighters Vol 1 1
- Freedom Fighters Vol 1 2
- Freedom Fighters Vol 1 3
- Freedom Fighters Vol 1 4
- Freedom Fighters Vol 1 5
- Freedom Fighters Vol 1 6
- Freedom Fighters Vol 1 7
- Freedom Fighters Vol 1 8
- Freedom Fighters Vol 1 9
- Freedom Fighters Vol 1 10
- Freedom Fighters Vol 1 11
- Freedom Fighters Vol 1 12
- Freedom Fighters Vol 1 13
- Freedom Fighters Vol 1 14
- Freedom Fighters Vol 1 15