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Man, being an adult is terrible! I never want to be one again!
Oh no! We just split Raven into five versions of herself!
I don't have to listen to you. I mean, who even made you leader in the first place?
So this is where babies come from!
You did what? Why would you throw away garbage?
You are a raven, and I am a dove. And even though we are different, we are meant to be in love.
Yeah. Second Christmas. You don't know about Second Christmas?
It's a pretty typical story, though. Boy meets girl. Girl asks boy if he'll get her access to Titans Tower. Boy falls for girl. Girl insists on getting a schematic of the Tower's defense capabilities.
Okay! Okay! I confess! I ran with scissors! I crossed without looking both ways! I... *sob* left the seat up!
Such power is an awesome responsibility. I must wield it wisely, and only for the benefit of mankind -- or maybe I'll just turn all my friends into farm animals!
What's the point of having powers if you don't use them for stupid things?
All items (13)
- Teen Titans Go! Vol 2 1
- Teen Titans Go! Vol 2 10
- Teen Titans Go! (TV Series) Episode: Beast Man
- Teen Titans Go! (TV Series) Episode: Colors of Raven
- Teen Titans Go! (TV Series) Episode: Gorilla
- Teen Titans Go! (TV Series) Episode: Hose Water
- Teen Titans Go! (TV Series) Episode: Hot Garbage
- Teen Titans Go! (TV Series) Episode: Matched
- Teen Titans Go! (TV Series) Episode: Nose Mouth
- Teen Titans Go! (TV Series) Episode: Second Christmas
- Teen Titans Go! (TV Series) Episode: Terra-ized
- Teen Titans Go! (TV Series) Episode: That's What's Up!