This is our collection of stories written by Gerard Jones.
If you find an issue, episode, film, or other story in the database that is not shown here, please edit that page adding "Gerard Jones" as one of the Writers.
If you find an issue, episode, film, or other story in the database that is not shown here, please edit that page adding "Gerard Jones" as one of the Writers.
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- El Diablo Vol 1 1
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- El Diablo Vol 1 10
- El Diablo Vol 1 11
- El Diablo Vol 1 12
- El Diablo Vol 1 13
- El Diablo Vol 1 14
- El Diablo Vol 1 15
- El Diablo Vol 1 16
- Elongated Man Vol 1 1
- Elongated Man Vol 1 2
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- Elongated Man Vol 1 4
- Green Lantern Vol 3 1
- Green Lantern Vol 3 2
- Green Lantern Vol 3 3
- Green Lantern Vol 3 4
- Green Lantern Vol 3 5
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- Green Lantern Vol 3 30
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- Green Lantern Vol 3 32
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- Green Lantern Vol 3 35
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- Green Lantern Vol 3 41
- Green Lantern Vol 3 42
- Green Lantern Vol 3 43
- Green Lantern Vol 3 44
- Green Lantern Vol 3 45
- Green Lantern Vol 3 46
- Green Lantern Vol 3 47
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- Green Lantern Corps Quarterly Vol 1 1
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- Green Lantern: Emerald Dawn (Collected)
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- Justice League Europe Vol 1 48
- Justice League Europe Vol 1 49