This page contains a listing of all known appearances of Gus (Sweet Tooth TV Series).
If you find an Issue this Character appears in that is not shown here, please edit that issue adding "Gus (Sweet Tooth TV Series)" as a Cast member.
If you find an Issue this Character appears in that is not shown here, please edit that issue adding "Gus (Sweet Tooth TV Series)" as a Cast member.
All items (16)
- Sweet Tooth (TV Series) Episode: Bad Man
- Sweet Tooth (TV Series) Episode: Big Man
- Sweet Tooth (TV Series) Episode: Chicken or Egg?
- Sweet Tooth (TV Series) Episode: How It Started, How It's Going
- Sweet Tooth (TV Series) Episode: I'll Find You
- Sweet Tooth (TV Series) Episode: In Captivity
- Sweet Tooth (TV Series) Episode: Into the Deep Woods
- Sweet Tooth (TV Series) Episode: Out of the Deep Woods
- Sweet Tooth (TV Series) Episode: Secret Sauce
- Sweet Tooth (TV Series) Episode: Sorry About All the Dead People
- Sweet Tooth (TV Series) Episode: Stranger Danger on a Train
- Sweet Tooth (TV Series) Episode: The Ballad of the Last Men
- Sweet Tooth (TV Series) Episode: Weird Deer S**t
- Sweet Tooth (TV Series) Episode: What It Takes
- Sweet Tooth (TV Series) Episode: What's in the Freezer?
- Sweet Tooth (TV Series) Episode: When Pubba Met Birdie