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SUCCESS! I haf der teufelish thing loose from him! Help me bandage him, Chop Chop!
By golly, dot liddle country iss alvays in trouble! Ve should help smash dose rebels vunce and for all!
Non of us vear dot shade of lipstick.
BRAIN vave? HA! On dot sqvare-head, Olaf, he vould find nodding to MAKE patterns!
Donnerwetter! If I only had THREE fists!
Nein, Blackhawk! I haff decided to ride it down! I can fake a crash landing dot vill look more realistic! Don't worry!
Donnevetter! Ve haff been snatched by ein lunatic! If der movie shows Blackhawks punching Reds in der jaw, we will work without pay!
Ja! Der Forbidden People haf started trade mit der outside world ... for ARMS! I smell der big RAT!
Nein! Not dot elephant! Ve Blackhawks know elephants!
But der map shows notting but water! No islands, no land, no names!
Ve better check der cargo, Andre! Dese schweinhunts were up to no good aboard der ship!
All items (11)