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I don't know what I ever saw in that man. When he was gone, I became the woman I was destined to be...a hero!
Who run Tartar-Town! I run Tartar-Town
Wow, Black Canary. You look pretty calm for someone who's just caught exploding slippers.
"Arrow Cave" is a pretty stupid name, though. I know Batman has a Bat Cave but that makes sense. Bats live in caves. Arrows don't live in caves. They're inanimate objects, they don't live at all. Why don't you call it, like, "The Quiver"?
I thought a love like ours was forever. I mean, it was. But it's hard to love a man who has Superman's fist rammed through his chest.
The same thing that made our Super-Fascist so terrifying, made their Superman so awe-inspiring.
For a little bit, it was fun. So fun I forgot. What the stakes were. Who we were up against. That this was a war. People died. The big names. The unknown henchmen. Especiall them.
Sure, he wasn't technically my Mr. J, but he was close enough for comfort.
I realize you're young, so let me explain the concept of escaping in as condescending of a manner I can...
I always liked this Robin the best. He smiled and his jokes were good. You seemed... better around him.
Harleen Quinzel (Injustice) -
Timothy Drake (Injustice) -
Arrowcave -
Injustice: Ground Zero Vol 1 1 -
Injustice 2 Vol 1 10 -
Injustice: Gods Among Us: Year Two Vol 1 13 (Digital) -
Injustice: Ground Zero Vol 1 3
All items (10)