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Do not question my sanity. I am a model of sanity!
No one gets away with killing Dr. Hugo Strange.
Genetic enhancement is not enough. Sometimes, more drastic measures are necessary. Sometimes, the gene pool demands to be thinned.
Hasn't he already committed the legal definition of assault, many times over? Such obsessive-compulsive behaviour is utterly disconnected with the rest of reality. He's not concerned with how the rest of the world thinks or feels. All that matters to this "Bat-Man" is his own perverse and relentless version of justice. And he will stop at nothing to achieve those ends!
The Batman himself -- his psyche -- is almost an obsession with me.
I can know how it feels to be the Bat-Man psychologically... but not... not physically. God, h-how I envy him... how I hate him... And you -- ! What are you looking at?! You think it's funny -- ?! You enjoy seeing me humiliated?! You think I'm not as good as the real Bat-Man? Stop staring at me! Stop laughing!
Batman is mine to inhabit and possess. So now, Mr. Wayne, now I'm going to kill you. I'm going to kill you with a gun.
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