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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Hunter Zolomon (New Earth).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 Destiny has brought us here, Flash. From friend to foe. Quote2

--Hunter Zolomon (New Earth)

Quote1 I was a man broken down — who gained these extraordinary powers to become free. You. You are the opposite. You were a free man who was given extraordinary powers – and now you must be broken down. Quote2

--Hunter Zolomon (New Earth)

Quote1 My name is Hunter Zolomon. Despite what the public believes, I am the fastest man alive. I am Zoom. But I am not a Rogue. Far from it. I have taken the name and colors from Eobard Thawne -- the time traveler known as Professor Zoom -- in order to terrorize my friend. Wally West. The Flash. I suffered through tragedy. I lost my family to it. I understand the depths it will drag one down to. And only by surviving it does one become stronger. I will recreate myself to help my friend and in turn -- the world. I will do anything to make the Flash a better hero. Quote2

--Hunter Zolomon (New Earth)

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