DC Database
DC Bullet 2024
This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Jakita Wagner (Wildstorm Universe).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 Like I said; the Authority may be our ruling power. The more we know about them, the less chance there is of them turning out like that: obsessed with ruling worlds. Quote2

--Jakita Wagner (Wildstorm Universe)

Quote1 We're archaeologists. We'll dig you up and work it all out in a couple of years. The end. Quote2

--Jakita Wagner (Wildstorm Universe)

Quote1 I don't know him anymore. We brought him back. But I swear it's not him anymore. Quote2

--Jakita Wagner (Wildstorm Universe)

Quote1 They tried to kill us? They knew we were in the Brazilian office and they tried to shoot us from space? They killed what, five hundred people in the hopes of getting us? Quote2

--Jakita Wagner (Wildstorm Universe)

Quote1 Just remember I asked you to give up. Quote2

--Jakita Wagner (Wildstorm Universe)

Quote1 We're archaeologists. We'll dig you up and work it all out in a couple of years. The end. Quote2

--Jakita Wagner (Wildstorm Universe)

All items (6)
