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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Jesse Chambers (New Earth).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 3x2(9yz)4A! Quote2

--Jesse Chambers (New Earth)

Quote1 Keep moving. Running. Moving people. Crazy shell game, with every life in D.C. at stake. Quote2

--Jesse Chambers (New Earth)

Quote1 Get over yourself, Wally--not everything is about you!! Quote2

--Jesse Chambers (New Earth)

Quote1 Don't play dumb. We all draw our energy from the Speed Force ... but you mainline it. We think that your connection's become so strong, you're stealing all the available energy — cutting us off! Quote2

--Jesse Chambers (New Earth)

Quote1 You let me join your stupid team, and you make me a second-class member. Just because I missed the old days. If I started tearing up the city and telling you, "oh, trust me," you'd laugh. You'd laugh and you'd put me in a damned asylum. Quote2

--Jesse Chambers (New Earth)

Quote1 Hey, how come they don't have to wear gray like the rest of us--? Quote2

--Jesse Chambers (New Earth)

Quote1 Duh. I thought she looked familiar. And here I am sending her out for coffee. Quote2

--Jesse Chambers (New Earth)

Quote1 When you told me the Titans were like a family—I thought you just meant in the nice way—closeness, you know, loyalty. But you're also a family in all the worst ways. You may all be great heroes in your own right—I know, I've studied some of you—but together you're disorganized, reactionary, and incestuous. Quote2

--Jesse Chambers (New Earth)

All items (8)
