This page contains a listing of all known appearances of Katarthans.
If you find an issue this race appears in that is not shown here, please edit that issue adding "Katarthans" as a Cast member.
If you find an issue this race appears in that is not shown here, please edit that issue adding "Katarthans" as a Cast member.
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- Sword of the Atom Vol 1 2
- Sword of the Atom Vol 1 3
- Sword of the Atom Vol 1 4
- Sword of the Atom (Shorts) Episode: Chapter Four: Battle of the Tiny Titans
- Sword of the Atom (Shorts) Episode: Chapter Three: Rattling the Cage
- Sword of the Atom (Shorts) Episode: Chapter Two: A Choice of Dooms
- Sword of the Atom Special Vol 1 1