DC Database
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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Lois Lane (Earth-30).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 You know something weird? I've had the same dream almost every night ever since I was a little girl. I dream I'm falling through the clouds and the Earth's getting closer and closer, but I'm never afraid because I know that you're there to catch me. Can you believe that? You catch me almost every night. Always in the nick of time... and now you're real, Superman. As real as any of this. Quote2

--Lois Lane (Earth-30)

Quote1 You know something weird? I've had the same dream almost every night ever since I was a little girl. I dream I'm falling through the clouds and the Earth's getting closer and closer, but I'm never afraid because I know that you're there to catch me. Can you believe that? You catch me almost every night. Always in the nick of time... and now you're real, Superman. As real as any of this. Quote2

--Lois Lane (Earth-30)

All items (2)
