Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.
Ay ban bust somebody's neck off at the waistline!
Yudas Priest! Bargovia is doomed!
I ban no great astronomer, Blackhawk, but even I can see a change up there, by Yingo! [...] There ban a strange shadow where NO shadow was six hours ago, by Yiminy!
Yumping Yudas! Das ban like trying to wrestle a tank!
By Yudas, if any man can do it, Blackhawk ban the man!
Yumping Yupiter in a Yeep! Dey MADE it! Dey are holding Shuck's plane up between dem!
Those Yaps ban gonta crush us like sauerkraut, ya?
YAH!! Vhy don't be chust go to Tokyo und ask der Emperor?!! Heh heh heh heh
All items (8)