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DC Database
DC Bullet 2024
This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Olaf (Quality Universe).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 Ay ban bust somebody's neck off at the waistline! Quote2

--Olaf (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Yudas Priest! Bargovia is doomed! Quote2

--Olaf (Quality Universe)

Quote1 I ban no great astronomer, Blackhawk, but even I can see a change up there, by Yingo! [...] There ban a strange shadow where NO shadow was six hours ago, by Yiminy! Quote2

--Olaf (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Yumping Yudas! Das ban like trying to wrestle a tank! Quote2

--Olaf (Quality Universe)

Quote1 By Yudas, if any man can do it, Blackhawk ban the man! Quote2

--Olaf (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Yumping Yupiter in a Yeep! Dey MADE it! Dey are holding Shuck's plane up between dem! Quote2

--Olaf (Quality Universe)

Quote1 Those Yaps ban gonta crush us like sauerkraut, ya? Quote2

--Olaf (Quality Universe)

Quote1 YAH!! Vhy don't be chust go to Tokyo und ask der Emperor?!! Heh heh heh heh Quote2

--Olaf (Quality Universe)

All items (8)
