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THERE! Are ya SATISFIED?! You think he's so cute and innocent NOW?!?! Tell me, Wooz — who in the world could be more obnoxious than this...?!?!
What, you thought our lives were all spectacular bods and shameless costumes?
Lasso o' Truth, do your stuff!
From the Batcave to the Fortress of Solitude. Sweet. I have got to get myself a new place.
Boy do I envy them! They get to fly off into space and do cool stuff and I... I get to stretch out here where its nice and safe again.
I've turned into plastic! It's a miracle! It's some kind of sign! Is it a warning? Maybe I been given super powers! Maybe I'm suppose to change my ways and fight crime!.
PLEASE, Chief! I NEED THIS CASE! O'Brian's my white whale! We're opposite souls joined in archetypal struggle! Also, I promised my mommy.
Stay back! I'm warning you! I'm the most powerful member of the JLA!
All right, you battle-happy holy rollers! This is the big one! But we can't win it bickering like babies! Victory will require teamwork! And a team needs a leader! So listen up!
Keep on top of that PHYSIQUE, Mr. Doorman. You never know, you could be GOVERNOR someday!
Luke! I am not your father! Don't make me use force!
Earth is under attack from killer space-bees? Just when you think there can't possibly be anyting funny about interstellar warfare, huh?
I don't feel like you're laughing with me, J'onnzzy! That guffaw is the guffaw of pain and it wounds me in sensitive but musky places.
Get your sorry, motherless Martian thorax back in the water!
Whip his butt, Aquaman! Show these surface-dwellers why you're a legend from the ocean bed to the frying pan!
I guess a lot. You have to be flexible in this biz.
Cartoons can't be libelous, Woozy, because cartoons are clearly not real. Only an idiot would debate the plausibility of a comic book story.
JLA Vol 1 61 -
JLA Vol 1 37 -
JLA Vol 1 53 -
JLA Vol 1 57 -
JLA Vol 1 89 -
JLA Vol 1 27 -
Action Comics Vol 1 661 -
Plastic Man Vol 4 8
All items (19)