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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Richard Grayson (Earth 2).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 Don't worry, Barb...everything's gonna be just fine now. Quote2

--Richard Grayson (Earth 2)

Quote1 At the end of his life, Thomas Wayne did the best he could to make things right. He reconciled with his granddaughter, The Huntress. He said to Bruce the words he never heard from his own father. And by making amends, he did the best he could to protect his family. And that's what his plan was all along. To teach me. Because that's what a father does. Quote2

--Richard Grayson (Earth 2)

Quote1 I've reported from plenty of war zones over the years. But I was never a part of the action until now. Quote2

--Richard Grayson (Earth 2)

Quote1 Son, I'm in costume... You should call me Batman. Quote2

--Richard Grayson (Earth 2)

Quote1 It's time for you to stop running your mouth, Flash... and start running. Quote2

--Richard Grayson (Earth 2)

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