This page contains a listing of all known appearances of the Robins (Earth -22).
If you find an issue this team appears in that is not shown here, please edit that issue adding "Robins (Earth -22)" in the cast variable field.
If you find an issue this team appears in that is not shown here, please edit that issue adding "Robins (Earth -22)" in the cast variable field.
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All items (42)
- Dark Knights Rising: The Wild Hunt Vol 1 1
- Dark Nights: Death Metal Vol 1 1
- Dark Nights: Death Metal Vol 1 2
- Dark Nights: Death Metal Vol 1 6
- Dark Nights: Death Metal Vol 1 7
- Dark Nights: Death Metal Guidebook Vol 1 1
- Dark Nights: Death Metal Infinite Hour Exxxtreme! Vol 1 1
- Dark Nights: Death Metal Legends of the Dark Knights Vol 1 1
- Dark Nights: Death Metal Robin King Vol 1 1
- Dark Nights: Death Metal Speed Metal Vol 1 1
- Dark Nights: Death Metal The Last 52: War of the Multiverses Vol 1 1
- Dark Nights: Death Metal The Last Stories of the DC Universe Vol 1 1
- Dark Nights: Death Metal The Multiverse Who Laughs Vol 1 1
- Dark Nights: Death Metal The Secret Origin Vol 1 1
- Dark Nights: Death Metal Trinity Crisis Vol 1 1
- Dark Nights: Metal Vol 1 1
- Dark Nights: Metal Vol 1 2
- Dark Nights: Metal Vol 1 3
- Dark Nights: Metal Vol 1 5
- Dark Nights: Metal Vol 1 6
- DC's Year of the Villain Special Vol 1 1