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This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Roy Harper (Prime Earth).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 This Bunker reminds me of me in a way. He acts like he doesn't take any of it too seriously. But a wall like that doesn't come out of thin air. He's got more going on than anyone gives him credit for. You watch-- he'll be in the Justice League before he's twenty. Quote2

--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Tara Battleworth...the most powerful "fixer" in Washington. But she's a long way from DC. Quote2

--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)

Quote1 How about "do better"? I'm giving it a try myself. It's not easy, but you'll end up a lot happier. Quote2

--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)

Quote1 No one reforms that fast. It took me years, guys. Just weeks ago, the Fearsome Five were going toe-to-toe with the Justice League. I don't care how good Meta is. You don't turn your life around that quick. Quote2

--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)

Quote1 This deal you brokered...isn't going to end well. #setup. #turnaroundandgetout. Quote2

--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Huh. Did you plan that spectacular entrance? Quote2

--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)


--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I've been on the receiving end of one of her kisses. All passion and sea salt and baby kittens. Too much for any Blight Lord to withstand. Quote2

--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Sure, I'd like to think I turned out okay...That I am the best me I can be. But if I can keep them from messing up as bad as I did? Why the hell not? Quote2

--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)

Quote1 He wanted you to take away the memories of how the Joker manipulated his life. He didn't want a blank slate! He didn't want to forget us! Quote2

--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)

Quote1 We'll come for you when this is done, Jason and me... the three of us will be together again. I promise. Quote2

--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I'm just a selfish ass. Quote2

--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Kori's swimming with dolphins; Jason's battling virtual aliens... And I'm stuck inside, playing grabass with a toy. Quote2

--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Boo... yah. Quote2

--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Hi, I'm Roy. I'm an alcoholic. Quote2

--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)

Quote1 At least it can't get any worse than that, huh? Quote2

--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)

Quote1 They so don't make ancient evil like they used to. Quote2

--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I guess that's just like you, isn't it? Playing things pretty fast just like you and Donna. Quote2

--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)

Quote1 I've made a lot of mistakes in my life, because life is messy... Simple right and wrong, I can handle. I know where I stand and what needs to be done. Less opportunity to screw up, you know? A good cause, a good fight...that's what works for me. Quote2

--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Told you. This is end-of-the-world headquarters. Let's give 'em hell! Quote2

--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)

Quote1 You don't plan a vacation. You live it. Quote2

--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)

Quote1 This is all your fault. Quote2

--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)

Quote1 My name is ARSENAL! Quote2

--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Most of the "dream team" will be back together. Quote2

--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)

Quote1 Sure, I'd like to think I turned out okay... That I am the best me I can be. But if I can keep them from messing up as bad as I did? Why the hell not? Quote2

--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)

Quote1 His name is Jason Todd. A lot of people say he's crazy. Like, say the entire staff of Arkham Asylum. Maybe they're right. I'm hardly in a position to judge. Anyone. But as he pops out of his disguise--blows my chain off my ball--and gives me my bow and quiver? Let's just say Red Hood is my kind of crazy! Quote2

--Roy Harper (Prime Earth)

All items (26)
