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DC Bullet 2024
This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Sarah Essen (New Earth).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 For all you know, the Batman could change on a regular basis-- and you've dealt with five of them. Maybe the only constant has been the costume. Quote2

--Sarah Essen (New Earth)

Quote1 I think it might finally be over...I think it's the end. Quote2

--Sarah Essen (New Earth)

Quote1 For all you know, the Batman could change on a regular basis-- and you've dealt with five of them. Maybe the only constant has been the costume. Quote2

--Sarah Essen (New Earth)

Quote1 Now you're going to pull the noble routine on me? Play rogue male, wounded by life and resigned to living it out on his own? I love you, James. I love every stupid prideful thing about you. And I want to share the rest of your life with you even if it only lasts an hour. Quote2

--Sarah Essen (New Earth)

Quote1 You're a vigilante, Batman. By rights you should be locked up! If it wasn't for the way Jim Gordon feels -- and the good he swears you've done this city -- I'd arrest you myself! Quote2

--Sarah Essen (New Earth)

All items (5)
