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By speaking my name you can become the strongest and mightiest man in the world - Captain Marvel!
Yes! You are pure of heart! Speak my name!
You have done well, my son, but there is danger still. The being called Superman will soon attack us in a fit of murderous rage! We must stop him!
Those three men are the three greatest geniuses of human history, of the past, present, and future! And Doctors X, Y and Z are trying to steal their minds! That much I can tell you, but no more!
I am here, my children! Harken! Five thousand years ago, in Ancient Egypt, I, too, fought the Mad Mummy! The Mad Mummy once ruled the nether world! But he tried to invade the world of the living, so he and his frightful horde could inherit our world! With white magic, I defeated him in old Egypt and buried his evil pyramid under the sea, hoping it would never be found and opened! Now, you must battle this horror that is once more loose upon the world! Seek him... find him... smash him or the world is doomed!
He has found the gloomy passage that leads to the most dreadful place of all -- the place some call Tartarus... Stygia... Inferno... Hades... or Hell! There -- that passage leads deep below Eternity -- to Hell itself! Only by harrowing that dread place can you find Kull and stop him -- if you dare!''
Whiz Comics Vol 1 2 -
Shazam! Vol 1 1 -
Justice League of America Vol 1 137 -
Shazam! Vol 1 35 -
The Marvel Family Vol 1 58 -
The Marvel Family Vol 1 79
All items (6)