This page contains a listing of all known Characters created by Sheldon Moldoff.
If you find a Character created by this person and it is not shown here, please edit that character's page by adding "Sheldon Moldoff" as a Creator.
If you find a Character created by this person and it is not shown here, please edit that character's page by adding "Sheldon Moldoff" as a Creator.
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All items (421)
- Abner Krill (DC Extended Universe)
- Abner Krill (Harley Quinn TV Series)
- Abner Krill (Injustice)
- Abner Krill (Lego Batman)
- Abner Krill (Lil Gotham)
- Abner Krill (New Earth)
- Abner Krill (Prime Earth)
- Abner Krill (Scooby-Doo Team-Up)
- Abner Krill (The Brave and the Bold)
- Achilles Milo (Arkhamverse)
- Achilles Milo (DCAU)
- Achilles Milo (Earth-508)
- Achilles Milo (New Earth)
- Achilles Milo (Prime Earth)
- Achilles Milo (The Brave and the Bold)
- Agatha Wayne (New Earth)
- Alpha II (Earth-One)
- Alphonso Giovanni (New Earth)
- Ambrose Weems (Earth-One)
- Armand Lydecker (DCAU)
- Armand Lydecker (Earth-508)
- Armand Lydecker (New Earth)
- Armand Lydecker (The Brave and the Bold)
- Arnold Hugo (Earth-508)
- Arnold Hugo (Earth-One)
- Arnold Hugo (Prime Earth)
- Arnold Hugo (Scooby-Doo Team-Up)
- Art Saddows (Earth-One)
- Bartholomew Magan (New Earth)
- Bartholomew Magan (Scooby-Doo Team-Up)
- Bartholomew Magan (The Brave and the Bold)
- Basil Karlo (Batman 1966 TV Series)
- Bat-Ape (The Brave and the Bold)
- Bat-Mite (DCAU)
- Bat-Mite (Earth-508)
- Bat-Mite (Lego Batman)
- Bat-Mite (Lego DC Heroes)
- Bat-Mite (Lil Gotham)
- Bat-Mite (New Adventures of Batman)
- Bat-Mite (New Earth)
- Bat-Mite (Prime Earth)
- Bat-Mite (The Brave and the Bold)
- Bat-Mite (Tiny Titans)
- Bat-Train
- Batarang
- Batgirl (Earth-508)
- Batman II (Earth-One)
- Batmen of All Nations (New Earth)
- Bette Kane (Tiny Titans)
- Big Game Hunter (Earth-One)
- Big Red (Earth-One)
- Big Red (Earth-Two)
- Big Red (Super Friends)
- Birdmaster (Earth-One)
- Brains Beldon (Earth-One)
- Brand (Earth-One)
- Brand (The Brave and the Bold)
- Bruce N. Wayne (Earth-One)
- Calendar Man (Dark Knights of Steel)
- Calendar Man (DCAU)
- Charles Great Eagle (New Earth)
- Charles Great Eagle (Prime Earth)
- Chester Jones (Earth-One)
- Christopher Freeman (Earth-S)
- Christopher Freeman (New Earth)
- Christopher Freeman (Prime Earth)
- Christopher Freeman (Scooby-Doo Team-Up)
- Christopher Freeman (The Brave and the Bold)
- Clayface (Harley Quinn TV Series)
- Cliff Cornwall (Earth-Two)
- Clockmaster (Earth-One)
- Coin II (Earth-Two)
- Collector (Earth-One)
- Cryo-Suit
- Dala (The Brave and the Bold)
- Dala Vadim (New Earth)
- Danford March (Earth-Two)
- Daniel Matthews (Earth-One)
- Death Man (DC Legends)
- Death Man (New Earth)
- Death Man (Prime Earth)
- Death Man (Scooby-Doo Team-Up)
- Delbert Billings (New Earth)
- Delbert Billings (Prime Earth)
- Doctor Pain (Earth-S)
- Doctor Schivel (Batman 1966 TV Series)
- Donna Bonita (New Earth)
- Dragonfly (New Earth)
- Gagsworth A. Gagsworthy (New Earth)
- Gagsworth A. Gagsworthy (Prime Earth)
- Gagsworth A. Gagsworthy (Scooby-Doo Team-Up)
- Gagsworth A. Gagsworthy (The Brave and the Bold)
- Ghetto Man (Legends of the Superheroes)
- Gibson (Earth-One)
- Goitrude
- Gorilla Gang
- Grasshopper Gang (Earth-One)
- Gunther Hardwicke (DCAU)
- Gunther Hardwicke (Earth-508)
- Gunther Hardwicke (New Earth)
- Gunther Hardwicke (The Brave and the Bold)
- Hal Lake (Earth-One)
- Hand (Earth-Two)
- Harriet Cooper (Batman 1966 TV Series)
- Harriet Cooper (Earth-One)
- Harriet Cooper (Prime Earth)
- Harriet Cooper (Tiny Titans)
- Harry Sims (The Brave and the Bold)
- Hartley (Earth-One)
- Hatman (Prime Earth)
- Henry Meke (Earth-One)
- Her Highness (Earth-S)
- Hester Morgan (Earth-Two)
- Hobby Robber (Earth-One)
- Hugh Rankin (Earth-One)
- Jack Spade (Earth-One)
- Jacob Baker (New Earth)
- Jacob Baker (The Brave and the Bold)
- James Carter (Earth-One)
- Jason Bard (Earth-One)
- Jervis Tetch (Batman 1966 TV Series)
- John Dolan (New Earth)
- Johnny Witts (Earth-One)
- Jon Valor (Arrowverse)
- Jon Valor (New Earth)
- Joseph Arno (Earth-One)
- Joseph Parker (New Earth)
- Julian Day (Arkhamverse)
- Julian Day (DC Extended Universe)
- Julian Day (Harley Quinn TV Series)
- Julian Day (Hush Beyond)
- Julian Day (Injustice)
- Julian Day (Lego Batman)
- Julian Day (Lil Gotham)
- Julian Day (New Earth)
- Julian Day (Prime Earth)
- Julian Day (Scooby-Doo Team-Up)
- Julian Day (The Brave and the Bold)
- Julian Day (Tomorrowverse)
- Jumbo Carson (Earth-One)
- Justin Valor (New Earth)
- Katherine Daye (Earth-508)
- Katherine Daye (Earth-One)
- Katherine Kane (Batman 1966 TV Series)
- Katherine Kane (DC Bombshells)
- Katherine Kane (Earth 11)
- Katherine Kane (Earth-154)
- Katherine Kane (Earth-One)
- Katherine Kane (Earth-Two)
- Katherine Kane (Legends of the Dead Earth)
- Katherine Kane (Wayne Family Adventures)
- Katherine Webb (New Earth)
- Katrina Moldoff (The Brave and the Bold)
- Kaye Daye (Scooby-Doo Team-Up)
- Kelani Apaka (Prime Earth)
- King (Tiny Titans)
- King Cobra (Batman 1966 TV Series)
- King Cobra (DCAU)
- King Cobra (The Brave and the Bold)
- King Cobra I (Earth-One)
- Kitzoff (Earth-Two)
- Kogats
- Legionary (The Brave and the Bold)
- Leonard Fiasco (New Earth)
- Leonard Fiasco (Prime Earth)
- Leonard Fiasco (Scooby-Doo Team-Up)
- Leonard Fiasco (The Brave and the Bold)
- Leonard Fiasco (The Lego Movie)
- Lewis Moxon (Gods and Monsters)
- Lewis Moxon (New Earth)
- Lewis Moxon (The Brave and the Bold)
- Lord Death Man (Batman 1966 TV Series)