This is our collection of stories written by Simon Spurrier.
If you find an issue, episode, film, or other story in the database that is not shown here, please edit that page adding "Simon Spurrier" as one of the Writers.
If you find an issue, episode, film, or other story in the database that is not shown here, please edit that page adding "Simon Spurrier" as one of the Writers.
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All items (108)
- Dark Crisis: Worlds Without a Justice League (Collected)
- Dark Crisis: Worlds Without a Justice League - Batman Vol 1 1
- Detective Comics Vol 1 1062
- Detective Comics Vol 1 1063
- Detective Comics Vol 1 1064
- Detective Comics Vol 1 1065
- Detective Comics Vol 1 1066
- Detective Comics Vol 1 1067
- Detective Comics Vol 1 1068
- Detective Comics Vol 1 1069
- Detective Comics Vol 1 1070
- Detective Comics Vol 1 1071
- Detective Comics: Gotham Nocturne: Overture (Collected)
- The Dreaming Vol 2 1
- The Dreaming Vol 2 2
- The Dreaming Vol 2 3
- The Dreaming Vol 2 4
- The Dreaming Vol 2 5
- The Dreaming Vol 2 6
- The Dreaming Vol 2 7
- The Dreaming Vol 2 8
- The Dreaming Vol 2 9
- The Dreaming Vol 2 10
- The Dreaming Vol 2 11
- The Dreaming Vol 2 12
- The Dreaming Vol 2 13
- The Dreaming Vol 2 14
- The Dreaming Vol 2 15
- The Dreaming Vol 2 16
- The Dreaming Vol 2 17
- The Dreaming Vol 2 18
- The Dreaming Vol 2 19
- The Dreaming Vol 2 20
- The Dreaming: Empty Shells (Collected)
- The Dreaming: One Magical Movement (Collected)
- The Dreaming: Pathways and Emanations (Collected)
- The Flash Vol 1 800
- The Flash Vol 6 1
- The Flash Vol 6 2
- The Flash Vol 6 3
- The Flash Vol 6 4
- The Flash Vol 6 5
- The Flash Vol 6 6
- The Flash Vol 6 7
- The Flash Vol 6 8
- The Flash Vol 6 9
- The Flash Vol 6 10
- The Flash Vol 6 11
- The Flash Vol 6 12
- The Flash Vol 6 13
- The Flash 2024 Annual Vol 6 1
- The Flash: Strange Attractor (Collected)
- John Constantine: Hellblazer Vol 1 1
- John Constantine: Hellblazer Vol 1 2
- John Constantine: Hellblazer Vol 1 3
- John Constantine: Hellblazer Vol 1 4
- John Constantine: Hellblazer Vol 1 5
- John Constantine: Hellblazer Vol 1 6
- John Constantine: Hellblazer Vol 1 7
- John Constantine: Hellblazer Vol 1 8
- John Constantine: Hellblazer Vol 1 9
- John Constantine: Hellblazer Vol 1 10
- John Constantine: Hellblazer Vol 1 11
- John Constantine: Hellblazer Vol 1 12
- John Constantine: Hellblazer - Dead in America Vol 1 1
- John Constantine: Hellblazer - Dead in America Vol 1 2
- John Constantine: Hellblazer - Dead in America Vol 1 3
- John Constantine: Hellblazer - Dead in America Vol 1 4
- John Constantine: Hellblazer - Dead in America Vol 1 5
- John Constantine: Hellblazer - Dead in America Vol 1 6
- John Constantine: Hellblazer - Dead in America Vol 1 7
- John Constantine: Hellblazer - Dead in America Vol 1 8
- John Constantine: Hellblazer - Dead in America Vol 1 9
- Justice League Vol 4 48
- Justice League Vol 4 49
- Justice League Vol 4 50
- Justice League Unlimited Vol 1 36
- Justice League vs. Suicide Squad (Collected)
- The Sandman Universe Vol 1 1
- The Sandman Universe Presents: Hellblazer Vol 1 1
- The Sandman, Book Six (Collected)
- Suicide Squad Vol 5 9
- Suicide Squad Vol 5 10
- Suicide Squad Vol 5 33
- Suicide Squad Vol 5 34
- Suicide Squad: Blaze Vol 1 1
- Suicide Squad: Blaze Vol 1 2
- Suicide Squad: Blaze Vol 1 3
- Suicide Squad: Blaze (Collected)
- Suicide Squad: Drain the Swamp (Collected)
- Superboy: The Man of Tomorrow Vol 1 1
- Superman: Action Comics: Warworld Revolution (Collected)
- Superman: The Warworld Saga (Collected)