This is our collection of stories written by Stanford Sherman.
If you find an issue, episode, film, or other story in the database that is not shown here, please edit that page adding "Stanford Sherman" as one of the Writers.
If you find an issue, episode, film, or other story in the database that is not shown here, please edit that page adding "Stanford Sherman" as one of the Writers.
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All items (18)
- Batman (1966 TV Series) Episode: Dizzoner the Penguin
- Batman (1966 TV Series) Episode: Enter Batgirl, Exit Penguin
- Batman (1966 TV Series) Episode: Flop Goes the Joker
- Batman (1966 TV Series) Episode: Hizzonner the Penguin
- Batman (1966 TV Series) Episode: How to Hatch a Dinosaur
- Batman (1966 TV Series) Episode: Marsha's Scheme of Diamonds
- Batman (1966 TV Series) Episode: Marsha, Queen of Diamonds
- Batman (1966 TV Series) Episode: Nora Clavicle and the Ladies' Crime Club
- Batman (1966 TV Series) Episode: Penguin Is a Girl's Best Friend
- Batman (1966 TV Series) Episode: Penguin Sets a Trend
- Batman (1966 TV Series) Episode: Penguin's Clean Sweep
- Batman (1966 TV Series) Episode: Penguin's Disastrous End
- Batman (1966 TV Series) Episode: Pop Goes the Joker
- Batman (1966 TV Series) Episode: The Joker's Hard Times
- Batman (1966 TV Series) Episode: The Ogg and I
- Batman (1966 TV Series) Episode: The Ogg Couple
- Batman (1966 TV Series) Episode: The Penguin Declines
- Batman (1966 TV Series) Episode: The Zodiac Crimes