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DC Bullet 2024
This page contains a listing of notable quotes by Terrence Sloan (Earth 2).

Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.

(This template will categorize articles that include it into Category:Quotes.)

Quote1 I will save this world. Whether it remembers me as its greatest hero or its darkest villain. Quote2

--Terrence Sloan (Earth 2)

Quote1 I will save this world. Whether it remembers me as it's greatest hero or its darkest villain. Quote2

--Terrence Sloan (Earth 2)

Quote1 Captain Pratt survived one atomic blast, let's see if he can go for two. As for those others... they're on their own. Quote2

--Terrence Sloan (Earth 2)

Quote1 I have survived this long. Parlayed with gods and men. Nothing can stop me now. Quote2

--Terrence Sloan (Earth 2)

All items (4)
